Syncing TSR8 to midi mapped from live drums


New member
Hey guys, I’m exploring new, economical ways to record my band on tape. I’ve got an idea and I want to run it past you guys to see if it’s stupid/not going to work. It could be either of those things, or it could be great.

- Digitally record my drummer playing her parts capturing each drum with a dynamic mic close so I get each part of the kit as separate as possible

- With the drums recorded in Logic I would map each track to midi and use samples to replace each instrument using the exs24 sampler

- Track the midi SMTP/LTC info into the 8th track of my (soon to arrive) TSR8 so my DAW slaves to the tape machine

- Track all the other instruments (guitar, bass, synths, vocals) on my TSR8 in sync with the DAW drums

- Bounce everything to Logic once I’m done

Hopefully I can bounce the drums out within Logic when it comes time to digitise everything and it will all be in sync.

Does that sound like a nightmare/unachievable plan?

I’ll need a midi interface with LTC in/out. I’ve got a Fireface 800 without the LTC upgrade

During the recording of our last album we went to a great studio to record. I managed to hack some drum samples out of those sessions that I’m happy with. I don’t have the gear or the know-how to do such a good job myself recording live drums.
