Syncing Logic & Cubase Sx3


New member
Hi, I have Cubase running on my pc notebook, and Logic on my Imac, and would like to sync them via midi. Anyone have any experience with this. I know Cubase much better than I do Logic, and I can't seem to figure out the settings in Logic's menu. This seems like it should be easy enough to do through mtc or mmc. Anyone done this successfully? Cheers.:D
Hi, I have Cubase running on my pc notebook, and Logic on my Imac, and would like to sync them via midi. Anyone have any experience with this. I know Cubase much better than I do Logic, and I can't seem to figure out the settings in Logic's menu. This seems like it should be easy enough to do through mtc or mmc. Anyone done this successfully? Cheers.:D

Hey bro, just checking if had any luck with this?? I'm running cubase 5 on my pc and i've got logic 9 on my macbook pro... wanting to sync them like you. i can't say i've tried anything as of yet but i'm thinking if you set master/slave properly they should be able to talk fairly fluently to each other through midi I/O on the interaces you're using. hit me back, just to chat.
can't say I have. go to and ask.

why would you want to do this?


You always want that if more than one machine is involved.
In my case it's a macbook running logic and trying to sync my PC running Cubase SX 3.
The Macbook does all MIDI and my hardware synths go into the PC through a Pulsar board. The Pulsar does the Mixing and I'm trying to set up Cubase as a Multitrack. Since I have only one Waldorf Pulse, i got to trick Polyphony...

The PC gets the Sync Signal and pushes the Play Button. BUT it jumps to Bar 301 and isn't playing at all. :spank:

I tried every switch, but this thing keeps happening. I remember on older Versions there was an offset Parameter which would do the job i guess. But I can't find it in SX...

If anyone could help, I would appreciate it :)