Syncaset Channel 4 Dead?


New member
Hey Everyone,
I recently replaced all the rubber parts in my Tascam Syncaset 234 and everything works like a charm except for playback on channel 4. All the other channels are working fine and the input on channel 4 works but I get no output.
I was wondering if I left something unconnected when I was replacing the belts. Unfortunately I have no idea what to look for and since this unit was an ebay acquisition I don't know if channel 4 was broken before I got my hands on it. Anyone here have an idea of where to look or what might be the cause?
Thanks in advance!
-Clay Morrow
Update, Channel 4 not Recording?

So I took a look inside to see if I had left something unconnected and found nothing out of the ordanary but as I tested channel 4 again it is now mysteriously able to recognize a signal at its input and can output recorded material but isn't able to record...? Help!
Dead again!

Well now channel 4 isn't working at all again... Does the fact that it works one minuet and doesn't work the next give anyone insight to the cause of the problem?
Well now channel 4 isn't working at all again... Does the fact that it works one minuet and doesn't work the next give anyone insight to the cause of the problem?

Connections or relays (if it has them).

Not familiar with this deck, but those are the majors.
Where to look?

Thanks for the reply MCI2424. Would the relays be solid state (black plastic rectangles)? And would each channel have one? Also, could you specify what connections I should look at?
Thanks for the reply MCI2424. Would the relays be solid state (black plastic rectangles)? And would each channel have one? Also, could you specify what connections I should look at?

You have to look up the part no from the realy. TASCAM used electro/mechanical relays forever. I am not familiar with the Synccassete machine though. A Reel Person probably has a dozen or so. He would be the guy to asl about this.

Connections coming and going usually are either bad relays, cold solder joints, or bad connections to PC cards and cable connectors in general.
Getting Warmer...

OK, I opened the 234 up and looked around but after inspecting it's innards and wiggling some connecters I didn't find anything out of the ordinary. But I did discover that when I turn the DBX Noise Reduction switch in the rear to "out" channel 4 works perfectly!? This is fine for playback but the recording on this unit really suffers without the Noise Reduction engaged. I also noticed that there are 8 DBX IC's on one of the PCB's inside, could one of these be the cause?
Thanks again to everyone who has helped me get this far!
Hi, yes - one of those could be the culprit. Anything that has to do with the channel 4 path that is going bad or is intermittent could cause the problem you are having.

Congrats on buying the Syncassette 234!
My lead singer during the mid 90's had one for years and I always felt that was one of the best cassette 4-tracks available. We demoed tons of stuff on it, and if you pay attention to details when recording on it - it can yield some seriously pro-sounding recordings.

234, Channel 4 Schematic?

Hi Tim, yeah the 234 sounds great! I actually picked up two of them on ebay a little while back. And after replacing the rubber parts on both units they worked great, mechanically at least. I was hoping to use them together in a live 4-track dj style rig but this channel 4 issue is holding me back.

I don't suppose anyone would have the schematics for the components used by channel 4? Not really sure what I can do without knowing which parts to check...
Repairs in Southern California?

O.k, it looks like I'm not going to be able to locate the source of channel 4's dbx problems on my own but I desperately need to get all 4 channels working for some live gigs coming up! Anyone know of a reputable Tacsam service center in South CA? I know the Teac parts headquarters are near me but I don't think they do repairs (do they?). Or will it be cheaper for me to just bite teh bullet and find another 234?
Thanks, Clay
Yes, they do.

Tascam Factory Service is in the same complex as Tascam Parts, in Montebello, CA. Find their address on the official Tascam website.:eek:;)
You'd have to let the Pro's tell you that.

I think it's $65 for troubleshooting/estimate, which if you opt for bench repair goes into your total, which if you're lucky might be $85~$125, more or less. That's a ballpark estimate. It depends a lot on the problem.

So, since your teardown, is it 100% verified it's not a misplaced reversed connector? That was my most direct hunch about what goes wrong during repairs. That and maybe a cold solder joint.

I've followed your posts, so I know you made a good effort. It's perplexing, but Tascam should be able to fix it. Make sure you tell them it happened after a teardown of the unit.:eek:;)

... and good luck! I'd not fret. I'd have it fixed!

Hi Reel Person,
I feel like I checked and double checked all the obvious connections and areas that I may have messed up when putting the beast back together and the fact that it's isolated to channel 4 makes it even more peculiar. I'm just wondering if it's worth spending another $125 on this unit vs. just picking up another unit and using this one for parts. What do you think?
You don't know until you get an estimate.

It may not be over $100. I could only give you a ballpark number. Buying another 234 may be a crapshoot. Another eBay unit that needs maintenance, maybe? You tell me. I'm usually inclined to have things fixed if it's a reasonable amount.:eek:;)

and it's nice to get something built as well as the 234 back in service! Thanks again to everyone who took the time to reply to my questions.