sync problem with cool edit,,please help


New member
Please Please help me
i'm pulling my hair out with this now,Ive got 8 tracks in the multitrack but i cant get them to stay in time with each other,i can move the files to get them in sync with each other and they start of great so i lock them in time but harf way through the track it all goes tits up.What am i doing wrong,i have been trying for a week now and everytime i think ive done it it goes out again.theirs gotta be a better way than this.any help would be great,
thank god i found this forum
What exactly goes wrong halfway through playback? The track jumps left or right of where you put it?

The procedure in Multitrack: Edit>Select All Blocks>Lock in Time. When you lock the tracks, an icon of a padlock appears on each locked track.

If that's not working for you, then it's reinstall the program time.

If that doesn't work for you, then it's ask Chris or Ozpeter time.