Symetrix 528


New member
I recently purchased one of the older Symetrix 528s on ebay (not the newer "e" model), and it's missing a knob.

Unfortunately, these things are so old that Symetrix won't work on them anymore. Does anyone know any place that I could send this to that could replace the knob? I can't imagine that it would be that hard -- maybe there's some generic ones that i could even get to put in there myself? I haven't received the unit yet, so I haven't been able to pull it apart to check it out myself, but I was hoping someone (chessrock?) might know something.


If just the knob is missing, you should be able to find one of those at Radio Shack. It probably won't match the rest, but it should function just fine.
ignition, the nice thing about your 528 is that if and when you wish to upgrade it, Jim Williams at
does "mod's" on them to improve performance.
I bet he'd throw a free knob into the deal! (if he has any):)

Yea, the knobs are pretty generic. You should be able to get something that would work for it at the Shack. . . though I can't say it would be a perfect match. Just look on the bright side and know that you'll have a very unique-looking 528.

Like chessparov said, the upgradeability of the symetrix mic pres is a big plus.
Thanks for the info guys. I'll head off to Radio Shack after I get it. I don't care if it matches, just need something to grab on to :D

And, it was recommendations from around here, and the fact that Jim does those mods, that convinced me to buy the thing. If it sucks, i'm hunting you all down :D

Thanks again!
