
SX 2,01.01 is the best cubase yet IHMO in the last almost two decades I`ve been using Steinberg products.

Still lacks the Instant Talent Plugin!!



OT no crack even comes close to the actual performance of the real deal, I compare daily!!
Okay.... just got it today!! Can't wait to install it! Hippo - are you the same Hippo as the one at the forum? I've been there, and the reviews are 95% total raving. Gotta go.... there is a shiny new disc waiting for me in the next room. :D

Cool, Chris - keep us posted! Computer Music mag raved about it.

Daf (still on VST 5.1 until I get a new PC)
I'll let you know as soon as I get my f*ing soundcard to work properly again. Grrrrrrrrrr.........:mad: :mad: :mad:

I can't WAIT to try the damn thing out....


... don't worry - be happy....:(
Besides one small fact that people don't seem to wanna help me with(come on how do you switch from stereo to mono) Its great for what I do..
Just purchased my copy of Cubase SX 2.0, so now i'm finally legal i guess. Went from one of those guys who are to poor to buy it and want to try it out to one of those guys who are now poor because they saved up and bought it. Currently I have nothing to try it with, its on order and the old gear is sold

but the aardvark q10 should be on its way.

I think I might have my "issues" sorted out. I'll let ya's know later for sure, when I know for sure.

Altruist - you're right. This is something that was not included (apparently, not overlooked) in the latest versions of SX. There is, understandably, some griping about it. I saw (I think at the forum at a workaround for it, though. I think it had something to do with routing the master bus back to a mono channel (and then from there to an alternate bus for your output.... something like that??) A search for SX mono bus at the forum will find your answer.

DB - congrats on going legit! You'll find people to be much more cooperative in helping you out. I mean, really.... if there is something that you can't figure out, all we need to do now is say something like "manual p. 617" and go from there. ;)

Just upgraded to SX 2.0 from VST 5.1. I guess I was lucky because it picked up my AMT8 and Aardvark Q10 w/o a hitch. The first half hour was pretty confusing... whaddayamean I can't set the punch out marker with right-click?... The manual isn't kidding when it says that this is an entirely new app! But I am getting used to it's idiocyncrasies. So far I like it, haven't had any problems. Imported a VST 5.1 job I am currently working on without any problems.

One other thing I noticed... this thing really needs a larger monitor, preferably two. I had to bump up the resolution to 1280x1040 to actually be able to see enough. Especially the mixer. It's HUGE! But then again, it shows a lot more than the previous one.

I love the fact that I can now draw in automation curves and stuff, right under the pertinent track, instead of opening the Master Track in one window and have the track editor in another to draw in mixer automation data... most of the time I recorded mouse moves just because it was a pain! That alone is worth the price of the admission. I also really like how the track inspector is setup now. It definitely has improved my workflow.

I am sure once I am over the "culture shock" I will not be looking back.

Cheers everyone.