SX1 Question


New member

My computer keyboard has stopped working with cubase sx1 - used to work fine then suddenly stopped. Can't find a function for this in cubase also appreciate it could be a hardware issue as had one or two poblems with my optical mouse, any idea's?

also am fairly new to SX1 used to use nuendo 1.0. I know they're different products but nuendo has those nice little back and forward arrows for shifting the audio about. Is this just something not included
or is it done purely by dragging and dropping?

?? wow ??, you're saying it works with everything but Cubase? Have you tried plugging in another keyboard to see?
Yes, It used to work with SX1 but just stopped. Still works with nuendo and wavelab i think but will double check. just wondered if the is a fuction for enabling PC keyboard in sx1, or is there a section in the manual i could check out that covers this. Will try alternative hardware as well. Thanks
Update - have fully tested hardware and keybaord is fine. Keyboard also works with halion within sx1

just a thought here but i wondered if i could have possibly disabled / deleted the key commands thus causing sx1 to stop responding to the keyboard? anyone had a similar issue ?

I will post my findings.
I have never had that happen, but that sounds like what it would be to me. When you are in Cubase, can you use the keyboard to type in a name for tracks? or are ALL keyboard functions gone:( Check your keyboard shortcuts and maybe reload the defaults. One I just though of actually. I believe you can set up a keyboard shortcut to change the stored file of keyboard shortcuts. Maybe you accidentally hit this key combination and changed to a template of keyboard shortcuts that is blank or very different somehow?

Just to update- Yep thats what it was, open file - key commands - then import from C://program files/steinberg/cubase sx/key comands - then select which set of commands you want and apply - simple.