SX only allows me to record at –6dB Maximum


New member
Hello all,

I'm running Cubase SX 2.0 on an Audigy soundcard, using the Kx drivers.

The problem I have is that Cubase will only let me record to a maximum level of -6dB. Anything played louder than -6dB is distorted, and the resulting waveform is clipped at -6dB.

I'm fairly certain that it is a problem exclusive to Cubase (and not related to soundcard or driver), because if I use Cool Edit or Soundforge to record at the same input signal it allows me up to 0dB headroom as is normal. Just to be sure, I recorded the same piece at the same input level on Soundforge and Cubase, and when I imported the Soundforge WAV to Cubase, there was definitely a 6dB difference between the two recordeded WAVs (so its nothing to do with the slider in Cubase that allows you to heighten the waveform).

I’ve tried different latency settings too but no change.

If anyone has experienced this or knows where I can change this -6dB setting in Cubase, I would appreciate the help.

Ah-hah! Problem solved!

I was recording a mono WAV on a stereo input bus, so the panning law was reducing it by 6dB.

Working fine now.