SX and Guitar Port


New member

Does anyone use SX with Line 6's Guitar port. I'm looking into buying an external soundcard for mobile recording and a collegue has loaned me his G-Port with GearBox and Riffworks software. I presumed i would be able to rewire this in the same way i would Reason, But there is nothing listed under devices in SX. The GP has a .PDF manual with it which visualises reccomened connection topologies, and certainly suggests possible connectivity through the gearbox amp modler software to a software sequencer, however it appears to be non specific about how this is achieved. The GP seems to work with SX and SX recognises it as a soundcard, however the line input signal is very low. Does anyone have any thoughts?

In addition to this. I doubt i will purchase the GP from my colleague as it just feels a little too entry level for my liking and certainly lacks additional hardware connectivity. I'm looking at the Maudio Fast track pro or the Mackie Spike as other possible options.