Switching between two sets of monitors


New member
I have a single output sound card (m-audio 2496) and would like to be able to switch between two sets of powered monitors, without swapping cables. Can this be done with just a regular speaker switching box? Reason I ask, is that it seems like these are usually used post-amplification in the signal chain, rather than pre-amp. Maybe I'm over thinking this, but I don't want to introduce noise, or degrade the signal.
Wow, that was fast, thanks Blue Bear! Ummm...anything a little...um...cheaper that'll still do the job? I'm poor (but proud)!
Yeah, that's more the price range I was looking for. I checked the user reviews though, and they all seemed quite unanimous that it wasn't very good. Actually, they put it a bit stronger than that <g>!

In the true spirit of asking for advice and then doing something totally different, I found and ordered this, made by Hosa: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SLW333
Of course, I couldn't find any reviews of it, so it might be an even bigger piece of crap!

Wish I could have afforded the Mackie. It's very often true that you get what you pay for, and I know well that they make quality stuff. I have a 808S powered mixer, and it's a dandy. Thanks for the replies, I'll let you know if this thing works at all.
How much does that Big Knob go for (or will go for)? Looks like just the thing I could use.