"Survivor" XpR BeatZ

Thanks for that, SC deleted the account, assumin because it was too similar to another one I had, oh well, I just put it up on my personal page. Thanks again

Three things that I think can improve your work:

1-it sounds badly distorted. Less cram in the master? The sibilant range is really harsh...and digital distortion in the mids is mucking things up.

2- not enough 'boom'. The beat it there, but not driving.

If I were to remix, I have the bass and drum levels way up. And the master mash would be clipping that, instead of the mids and up.

3- listen to some Bach string quartet.....you have some nice orchestral samples, and a good melodic idea in the strings. [ it could use a little contour variation...start the arpeggios from other notes than the roots of the progression, to give it a more natural, melodic flow] There's so much more potential for a stronger counterpoint harmony line [also on strings...instead of the weaker synth line] over the first repeating idea. What I like best about you comp is the classical stain on it. It's pretty rare, and sounds good. Exploit that to full potential! Clap on some phones and dig the Master, Mr JS Bach. He'll rock your world...and feed you the best ideas you ever heard.

Nice arranging devices. Good vox. In the pocket.