supernova 2 won't play back midi through sequencer!


New member
Don't think anyone can actually help me.....sigh

I'm using cubase SX 1.2.
I have a M-audio 2X2 usb midi which is connected up to my tyros and supernova and SW1000xg soundcard.

I can play things back on both my tyros, and my SW1000xg, but nothing on my Supernova?
I have checked in global and the controller TX is set to on, but whatever I playback, it doesn't seem to send any midi messages to the supernova

I reset my global settings on the supernova to see if that'd work but it didn't.

It's strange, when I play just my keyboard and supernova hooked up together(no usb midi), it works fine.

Does anyone know what the hell's going on? It's be much appreciated.


I just found your post here so I'm sorry about the late reply.

From your post, it's really difficult to tell exactly what is going on. Can you tell us SPECIFICALLY how things are connected? We need to know exactly what In is connected to which Out.

I don't know much about Cubase (I use SONAR) nor do I have a Tyros or SW1000XG. I do have a SuperNova II though. None of that should matter however as I think your problem is a connection or routing one and we should be able to solve it.
