super nintendo

spy said one

New member
has anyone ever tried to get sound files from a nintendo game? that's what i'm working on right now, and the best method i could come up with was playing the game and recording from the audio outs of the system. this works all right, but it might be tricky to get certain sounds isolated, without background music or anything. I'm curious if there's a way to get the sounds directly from the cartridge... can one hack a video game cartridge?

i don't think it's the same thing as this, but there's a guy that made an album using a "gameboy sequencer." you can hear that stuff here.

Get an emulator and the rom for said game. Most emulators have a recording function, and if not, find something that will allow you to record the output from something within your system. It's easy as pie that way, and some even let you isolate the music/sound effects/etc.
Actually, look up nsf. Nintendo sound file. Search up zophar's domain in google and it should set you up.