Summers in the Cane


New member
Hi Everybody,

Haven't been here in a while but this is the place to learn how to do what we all love. Make music!

I just posted this tune about 2 weeks ago and from a songwriter's point of view am pretty happy with it. BUT, I want to get the opinions of the pros in the recording field. I need technical help, that's for sure, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd steer me in the right direction.

This song wAs done with my classical guitar and computer, and yoU can find it at , "Summers in the Cane".

Thanks in advance, and I'll talk to guys later.

Another beautiful arrangement.
My only complaint was your leaning too hard on the synth parts while the coolest thing about this song was your guitar playing. I'd like this better if you substituted one or more of those synth parts for another rhythm or lead guitar track on perhaps another guitar with a different sound.
I can hear it...

Yeah, I can almost hear in my head what you're suggesting. Good idea, maybe a track of acoustic rhythm guitar, and another track of electric guitar doing muted rhythmic lines?

Thanks Drstawl,

woww mannnn!!!! I close my eyes and I'm on vacation on the beach with the warm wind blowing through my shorts! Rats can dig! Some of the voices you're using on the keyboards sound "Casio-ish", maybe follow the doctor's advise. Great tune!
You're right

Yep, you're right. Good description, "casio-ish". Gotta work on that. Thanks for the suggestions.

By the way, the beach has been warm lately, summer's coming on. Good time to be here. Life is good! :p

nice tune you got going there . listening to this song reminds me of loveboat. Cool

I liked the mix. Sounded really soothing.

Keep it up
Really smooth fella. The guitar was really heavy into reverb but it sounded pretty good that way. Not much not to like about this

Nice work
Ray J
Yep, lots of 'verb

Hey, thanks Ray J. You're right about the reverb. For some reason I just couldn't get as sweet a sound as I usually can from my guitar, so I had to doctor it up with reverb. I kept piling it on until the guitar didn't sound too bad.

By the way, it's a VST plugin called wunderverb that comes with Cubase.

Thanks again,
