suitable guitar effect for guitar


New member
first of all i wanna thanks everyone who is the member of this website and try to help us ,
my problem is that i wanna record my electric guitar with my interface,but without any micing,i wanna record it with any effect that have high quality,i mean i plug my guitar into my effect and then my interface,do you think it's possible ?
if it is then which effect do you offer ?
*i use distortion alot and my style is alternative and hard offer me something that can help me is this case.
You can do it with something like this POD. <-- click

But I personally think it is better to record the guitar clean, straight into your interface, and then use amp modeling software like Guitar Rig 4 or Amplitube (<--- free trial version) so that you can experiment with many sounds and change it later if you want.

I know English isn't your first language - I hope I understood your question.
You can do it with something like this POD. <-- click

But I personally think it is better to record the guitar clean, straight into your interface, and then use amp modeling software like Guitar Rig 4 or Amplitube (<--- free trial version) so that you can experiment with many sounds and change it later if you want.

I know English isn't your first language - I hope I understood your question.

-yes sure,did you understand this when you read my post or you looked at my location ?!
-i work on my guitar rig 4 right know,but i think somehow it is'nt the sound that i want(distort and alternative),do you think this POD has that quality ? or maybe ZOOM ?
-yes sure,did you understand this when you read my post or you looked at my location ?!

-i work on my guitar rig 4 right know,but i think somehow it is'nt the sound that i want(distort and alternative),do you think this POD has that quality ? or maybe ZOOM ?

I had an early POD years ago and it was superb. I have heard many great recordings made with newer PODs. I'm sure the Zoom is also suitable, but others will know better than me.