

New member
Right now my "studio" is located in a basement spare bedroom about 9x9 with wood panelled walls, carpet, and acoustic tile on the ceiling. Nice-n-cozy and I kinda like it. But I also have available the second spare bedroom with concrete floor (sans acoustic tile ceiling) of about the same size or a larger room of 15x30 with painted drywall ceiling.

Ceilings in all rooms are only 7'.

Is ther eany obvious advantage of one over the other? Where I currently am tends to add some wierd things to vocals. THe non carpeted room sound like you are in a drainage tunnel and the large room sounds very flat. It eats sound. I had a 5.1 speaker system attached to a PC in there and I was always turning it up because I couldn't hear.

I'm virgin new to the recording side of being a musician so any help is appreciated.
Well just talking about vocals go for the more dead room and add reverb to make it sound more realistic. The only reason I say to choose the dead room is the room that sounds like a drainage tunnel is very reverby(thats why it sounds that way) and you can't remove that from the track. Remember easier to add than take away.
If you don't need the rooms for other purposes (storage or whatever) why not use all the rooms? Isolation of different instruments, vocals, drums etc.. is a lot easier when you can put a wall between them.