Suggestions to make this track better


New member

I just dived into recording something simple to see the best sound I could get. I recorded 4 tracks, 2 left and 2 right, two are panned far left and right and the other 2 70% in their respective direction. Got any advice? I have to bolt for work so I'm cutting this short so I can see what to do when I get in.

Recorded in cubase using a line 6 usx2 which is recording the sound from an SM57 miced on axis on a Marshall 4x12 powered by a Peavey JSX with the tubescreamer off at the moment until I but an ISP Decimator to cut out the floor noise. It's had a rough mic and I've had a look into guitar impulses, is there a similar thing when micing up cabs like I'm doing? Any suggestions will be helpful I'm a complete scrub at this to be honest!
