Suggestions on my mediocre mix

Nave, thanks for that. You make a good point. But I do try to say my piece with stuff I do know. For instance, computer problems, or crappy guitar sounds. I have a little more experience with that stuff - not so much with mixing.
I agree with the above...
apush..jump right on in...your opinion is as valid as anyone elses. If the bass sounds too sounds too much to you. If the vocals sound great/suck...then that's they way the sound to you....your opinion is valued...whether you mix on a $300000 console, or a Mackie 1202. I also appreciate your responses after my late night ranting...thx;)

btw...I do like to listen and review. Giving feedback to peoples music, and trying to understand what they are trying to do is as much fun as getting your own stuff reviewed, alot of the times. I think many people miss out on this aspect, and I [sometimes, not so tactfully] try to get the ones who post, to respond to other people's stuff too. I am fairly new to the clinic, myself, just getting a cable modem over my 56k dialup...which was too slow to enjoy the clinic, but I have "lurked" for quite awhile, however..with the occasional response. I see many new folks with 5 posts, listing 4 songs for comments, and it APPEARS they have no intention of *getting involved*. They want a judgement on their stuff (or a pat on the back, maybe), then they're off to other corners of cyber space. I don't really appreciate those posts, for some reason. anywazzz....;)
There are things other than the music that sounds bad here.. tape? mp3? overcompression?.. Guitar sounds like there's a lot of 'room' coming into the mics aswell.. The kick has a thump that could be cut a bit, leaving room for more punch and low end.. can't give you the Frew tho.. try around 250-350 Hz.. Work more on mic-positioning on the drums.. those could sound better... Find a mic that fits the accoustic better. Fool around with eq and compressor/limiter on the bass to fatten it up and make it sit better in the mix. If compressors and FX leaves bad sounding artifacts; don't use them.

It's a good song.. Put some focus and patience into recording and mixing it.. I'm sure you have the ears to lift this tune a level.