Suggestions on a couple of things


New member
Ok here is my problem, right now I record with a Tascam DP-01 which was good for a while since all i did was vocal/guitar, but now I want to get into more of a computer based set up and more inputs so i can do drums as well

I was thinking about getting the Tascam FW-1082 or 1884 for a DAW which i would like to have. I have a computer capable of doing recordings and I have several mic pre's and compressors i use when tracking, The most amount of inputs i would need at a time is 8 which both of those have, I would also like to use the pre's i already have so I was jsut wondering which of the two units do u think would better accompany me, i don't know a whole lot about wither once but I just need a DAW with 8 tracks and I would like to be able to bypass the pre's on them and use my own, but having a few handy on the DAW could also come in handy

I'm really not sure which one to get or if there's another one that would be better, I have the money for either one so I jsut need a little hep on the decision making

I don't know much about DAW so here is another quick question, if I have more than 8 tracks recorded then the DAW can only controll 8 at a time, is it tough to switch the tracks between the DAW and computer is it jsut a few clicks and then you are in business, an help is appreciated thanks
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I'm not familiar with either of the tascam units you're interested in so I can't say anything useful about them.

Sound like you're talking about one with a control surface, though- one with faders and knobs for controling the software like a real mixer. If so, yeah, its easy to switch between banks of 8 track that you are controling. They usually have a button that scrolls across 8 tracks at a time.

Bypassing pres is pretty simple- even if you have to go through the pres, just make sure the volume is turned down as far as it can go on the Tascam unit and use your outboard pres to turn it up. You're still going through the pres on the interface, but they'll affect the sound less if they are turned down.

Sorry I can't help you more with your choice.

Take care,
thanks for the reply, isn't going into the line inputs instead of mic inputs bypassing the pres on most units, can anyone comment on the tascam DAW i listed? thanks a bunch