Suggestions for the next mic in my "Locker"??


Hey guys,... I'm looking at getting another mic to help round out my studio's collection,... here's what I've got thus far...

2 - SP B1's (Matched pair)
4 - SM57's
4 - Beta 58's
Beta 57
2 - e609's (Older black faced ones..)

I'm not quite sure what the application would be at this point,... I'd assume mainly vocals, but a dual purpose would be an added plus I guess ( I like trying different mic's on my Guitar cabs :) )

Price point,..hmmm... 750'ish? ...

Thanks in advance,
I'm not quite sure what the application would be at this point,...

Why don't you wait until there's something you need it for ... or until you find something you really like and "gotta have."

Right now, I don't see any glaring weaknesses. Unless you just feel like spending money for the hell of it. In which case, you could really get just about anything. :D Grab a Sweetwater catalog, throw a dart at one of the pages (from accross the room) and see where it lands.
Well, if you really want to spend money, you could go for an upgrade in either your matched SDs or a better LD condenser. For that kind of money you could get a matched pair of Beyer MC930s. Best price I've seen is $690 at Full Compass. You have to call them for that price. For LD condensers, there are the usual suspects, AT-4050, Shure KSM-44, AKG C-414. If you get lucky you might be able to pick up a used Gefell MT71s or M71 for @$600-700. If you want a great cab mic you could look for a used GT Model 1a tube mic. Great on cabs and some voices. Or you could pick up a used AEA R-84 which is also great on cabs, horns and vox. It isn't for close micing, but is a wonderful mic set back a foot or two. Decisions, decisions.:D
I did not see any small diaphram mics, unless i just missed it.

A pair of good quality SD mics are always a good compliment if you are recording acoustic oriented stuff or even drums.
My bad, I assumed the pair of SP B-1s were SDs. Yup, you need a pair of SD mics. Lots to choose from. I have and like the AT4051 and Josephson C42 for cardioid SDs. They can be found used for @ $550 a pair for the ATs and $700 a pair for the Josephsons. If I was buying new right now, I'd probably get the Beyer MC930s I mentioned above. if you want to spend less, I'd look at Oktavas from the Sound Room.
Daisy's right. But get a used C414B-ULS.

I like the C414B-ULS as a vocal mic and also for acoustic guitar, but I think I would suggest either a Senn421 or a Beyer M88. I have all of these mics and if I could only pick one to have it would be the C414, but I do not have a 4040, so I do not know if it fills the same purpose.

The Senn421 is really nice on guitar cab and also on brass instruments. I have used in for vocals also. It is a really nice sounding mic. I use it in a lot of places where a 57 is not working for me or when I run out of 57's.
Man thanks for all of the replies and suggestions guys!! :)

I forgot to mention that I also have a D 112 for a kick drum mic ... I just don't do much live mic'ing of drums anymore,...but maybe in the future that'll come back around (I've been more comfortable with EZ Drummer as of lately... :o )

Yeah,.. a pair of SDC's would be nice... haven't thought about that in a while...

I've been thinking about the C-414 and MD421 a lot lately ,.. but haven't really pushed the issue ...

Part of me is starting to think that I should pool my money and get a better Mic Pre (Posted a thread in the Rack Forum on that...) ..

I currently have 2 - DMP-3's and 2 - VTB-1's as my pre's,.. If I sold one of each of those as well as pooled my money for both a mic and a pre together,..I'd probably be able to get into a real nice preamp ...but then the question would turn to "Which one" :( ...

Oh,..and one other thing to keep in mind :) .. . Well I work at Guitar Center, I have the option to buy any gear we carry at a lower cost,.... So items that we carry are usually what I shoot for to some degree as I can get more for less so to speak :o

I currently have 2 - DMP-3's and 2 - VTB-1's as my pre's,.. If I sold one of each of those as well as pooled my money for both a mic and a pre together,..I'd probably be able to get into a real nice preamp ...but then the question would turn to "Which one" :( ...Rick

I think the answer might be right under your nose... :D

I'd vote for a preamp-upgrade at this point and the RNP is a helluva preamp, especially for the money.
:D Well that's exactly what I was going to get,...but in my research I came across this artical/post:

So I wasn't sure how much of an improvment the RNP would be over the DMP3,.... like should I buck up and go into the 1000.00 - 1500.00 range? ...



I think mics will make more of a difference in your finished products, but that posting from Dan seemed to be a fair endorsement of the RNP. I still think the RNP is a fine unit. I own 2 of them.
Slight thread mis-guide:
Pohaku, would you tell us the differences you hear btwn the AT4051 and Josephson C42? I've been looking into both.

C42 is a somewhat brighter mic than the AT4051 which I find to be quite flat. It isn't really objectionably bright, but it is bright in the same way Neumann KM184s are bright in comparison to KM84s. The 4051 does of course have replaceable capsules while the Josephson does not. C42 works really well on guitars and overheads. I don't choose to use it on mandolin which I find is already bright enough (I like a Beyer M160 for that purpose).
I think mics will make more of a difference in your finished products, but that posting from Dan seemed to be a fair endorsement of the RNP. I still think the RNP is a fine unit. I own 2 of them.

I used to use cheaper preamps (DMP3, VTB-1, etc.) with the same type of mics the OP uses and I can tell you that the RNP has made a SIGNIFICANT improvement in my recordings.

I was skeptical about the change a preamp would make, but if you have a decent selection of decent mics believe me, it will.

I think Dot's article is a decent endorsement of the RNP, although I disagree with him calling it "acceptable". He does say that it's a boutique preamp and that boutique guys do the best ones. It most definitely is NOT just another mid-level preamp. There are many pros who prefer it over units costing $1000+. The moment I started looking into "pro" preamps I was told by many, many very knowledgable engineers that I shouldn't even look at anything before I get an RNP.
Thanks for all of the input guys,... I actually found a pretty good deal on a used RNP for 375 shipped,.. so I guess that's that for the time being,... I'll probably sell off one of my DMP3's and one of my VTB-1's and put that towards a matched pair of SDC's .... Then in the future I'll look into a "high end" pre (?) ..
