Suggestions for my pop-punk mix?


New member
Hey guys, Im new here, just stumbled across this site and it looked real useful.

Anyway, I just recently recorded a little 2 song demo for a band i play in. My set up is an Mbox mini, Logic Pro and a blue baby bottle mic. Guitars were all DI through a line 6 effect pedal board (pod xt live) as well as bass which was ran through an orange amp head. Drums were all programed using Addictive Drummer.

I would really appreciate ANY criticism to my mix, I wont get offended, especially any secret techniques you guys may have when it comes to recording very thin/harsh vocals. We are going to record the songs again so your feed back could really help me out, i look forward to hearing from guys.


A link to the two tracks
Five State Drive Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
The doubled vocals are very clearly two separate tracks. They don't blend into one "big" sounding vocal.

The compression on the cymbals is pretty awful. Is that your mix though, or is that Reverbnation?
The cymbals might be a bit too loud anyway; they basically fill up the entire mix when they come in.

I kind of like the vocals. You've got a good lo-fi sound on them.

You've got some potential here.
What is Post Punk - isn't it New Wave?
This sounds like early noughties pop punk from the US.
The cymbals are solidly TERRIBLE.
The song is, I'm sorry, blandly generic.
The vocal double tracking isn't nearly close enough to work - better to go with one good take as the main & the 2nd as a 14% addition for choruses & both up the centre.
The song sounds like it's OK but sufferes from being almost a genre pastiche.
Found your song through a quick forum search.

I agree your first obvious move is to fix those cymbals. I don't think the samples sound like that so check your compression settings. They might be too agressive.

The second thing that stands out are the vocals. They're a bit over their ideal level. And maybe don't pan them hard left and hard right the entire song. As an effect it might give more impact.
I like the music, The vocals need to come up a bit. The production is overdone but it kinda sounds good like that. I'd clean up the mix a bit and go with it.