Suggestion for Microphones


New member
My friend and I are heading down to guitar center in a few days to look at some mics. We're looking to start recording some stuff and we need a few mics, pretty much exclusively to record guitar, but things that are good on vocals and other things wouldnt hurt either. The budget isnt really set, but under $400 would be good. We're looking to buy at least two mics also. I have a DMP3 pre and delta 44 soundcard.

Anyways, we both play pretty clean. I'm on a twin and he's on a crate. Both amps sound great. My friend does a little distortion but nothing really heavy or anything. We're looking for some mics with a lot of clarity and warmth because the songs will have only two guitars playing and maybe some other small instruments (xylophone, violin) on occasion. So we need something that could make 2 guitars fill up a mix, if you know what I mean.

So, if you guys could just throw some out there that we could test and maybe just a little description of your experience with it, that would be great.
I think for $400 at GC, I'd go for a Sennheiser MD421 and an Oktava MK319. They're not displaying the Oktava mics lately, but most GC's have them if you ask. The Sennheiser is a solid workhorse dynamic that is good on guitar cabs and many other things. The Oktava is a dark condenser that isn't bad for distant mic'ing on cabs, and is a pretty good vocal mic for some people. The MD421 should be under $300, and the Oktava $99. Another option is Shure SM-7B. Just under $400, it's a top of the line dynamic, good on cabs and voice.-Richie
thanks richard. I've also heard the at3035 is nice on guitar cabs, but i've heard on some of the harmony central reviews it's somewhat "agressive" sounding. The at3035 is the one were going to look closest at. Would anyone care to give me a little info about their experience with it?
um, use your search engine. I like the 3035, I also like the rode NTK, the CAD____, The groove tube 1b, re 20, senn 441
I've actually done quite a bit of research. I've read the at3035 mojopie article before. I've compiled a list of mics to check out, but I was really just asking here in case i missed anything.

Thanks for the help though guys.
The AT4040, Studio Project B1/B3, MXL V67, and numerous dynamics have not yet been mentioned. None are budget busters, and several will do double duty as good voice mics.

I encourage you to think about buying used gear when starting out. Pay no more than 66% of new-discount price, and you won't lose your investment when you trade up.

Consider omni patterns for close-micing your amps. No proximity effect to modify the sound. Audix D3, Beyer M201, ATM23HE are directional mics, but all do an excellent job on cab micing.
IMHO putting omni microphones on the short list is your best bet
to create maximum flexibility.

Having a good sounding room is also important, as you probably know.
