"Suck Me Off" song


New member
METAL TUNE recorded back in 1986 using an Amiga1000 for drumloop, Crate G60 mic'd, Radio Shack Realistic 4 channel volume mixer into a Sanyo cassette deck. Tape used was classic Maxell cassettes. I did it all by myself I did.

I was influenced by the "Master of Puppets" album by Metallica.

I was a mere 13 years old when this was done but the talent was unmistakable even back then. It would only be a matter of a few years before I would be discovered and would make the "Big Time".

The song is called Suck Me Off and it's......for the guys.

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xfinsterx said:
A fun listen.
Got anything more recent Adrian?

Sure thing bro! I posted this one awhile back but nobody responded. My agent advised me to "Give the listeners what they want", so I posted the Suck Me Off tune that was on an old cassette in a cardboard box in the basement.

Here's my latest attempt at home recording. Don't dump on me too hard for wussing out.. it's a mellow tune except for the last 12 seconds. :P

Last note: Your tune in the mix contest rocks! I have more fun playing with that one than I do mixing my own stuff. Sadly, I haven't the balls to post my results. LOL
Anyone who says that is not someone I'd want to get to know better, regardless of actual talent.

However, completely out of the blue, I did take a listen to your song. I were to give some constructive comments on it, I would fail.
I have to say, with absolutely no hyperbole, that this may be the single greatest moment in music history. I sense an almost Hendrix/Elvis/Beatles/Nirvana/Kip Winger-like desperation in the sheer magnitude and scope of your musical brilliance. The ear may hear "suck me off" but the soul hears "hey, can't we all be brothers?" Furthermore, the innovative repetition of those 4 heart-wrenching power chords will be a haunting melody that sticks with me as I ponder the true insignificance of my very being. You know how sometimes your asshole itches, and you think "yeah, maybe I could scratch it...but I've been here before--I had better use a little toilet paper just to make absolutely certain that I can satisfy that itch without getting a bunch of shit all over my hand"--well, this is the kind of joyous musical chaos that has now enveloped every fiber of my psyche. When it comes down to it, yes I now believe that there is so much more to life, the universe, and everything...and I think that, I too, feel the inner anguish of needing to be "sucked off."

Thank you for this musical journey. I feel the need to brood a little, and then kill myself.
I like the additional spoken overdub "suck me off". Really adds flavor...if that's appropriate to say in this particular thread.

War :cool:
chamelious said:
Hmm, a joke surely? "The talent was unmistakable"...I beg to differ.

my vagina hurts

p.s. I'm gay

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What the hell was that? Your agent must be that crack head over on 32nd and Jefferson. Get some talent then get a life! Please don't destroy the rest of our auditory function with fodder like that. Geez :(
I listened to both. Your recordings have gotten a LOT better. I personally don't care for the DI'd acoustic sound (I just don't like that "piezo" sound personally), so I would prefer that you had mic'd the acoustic, but Timber is a nice piece of music. As for "suck me off," well...you were younger then, lol.
Thanks for checking out my art guys! I very much appreciate the feedback! :)

Chris, your the second professional that has commented on the stale acoustical tone in Timber. I agree with you but my problem is that my acoustic doesn't sound that much better if I used a Mic on it. Two words - Epiphone.. and Korea. (More specifically... Jeff Skunk Baxter signature acoustic. It feels like a big piece of plastic) Sadly, I often hear people comment on the expensive Ovations having the same stale sound.

In time I'll re-record those acoustic tracks with the proper instrument.

Thanks again for listening!
where i was truly inspired by suck me off man... i really liked timber quite a bit , great vibe alot of real decent guitar work. real cool man seriously hope to hear more of your stuff , maybe some more recent stuff with vocals (can't get "suck me off..suck me off" out of my head now) .. hope to hear more from ya

take care man

can't get "suck me off" out of my head either. hehe.

mi first recording was using a "SPY EAR" with the headphones output plugged to the "line in" of the computer.

can you imagine the sound fidelity with that piece of crap ?

well... you won the oscar with "suck me off" =P, no but seriously, it rocks ;)

any thing left to remaster ? =D