Such a noob question...


New member
so, heres's the thing: I was doing a live performance recording, and since I was the one singing, I asked a friend to hit the record button on my daw, and hit stop once I stopped singing - it was a full 1 1/2 hour concert, and I asked him to stop it once in a while and hit save, then record again because I had never recorded for so long on my notebook and didn't want it to crash in the process.

either way, what happened is that now I have 4 layers of audio, one on top of another, in 3 different tracks. I'm afraid of moving anything and getting it out of tempo, but I also need to have it all in a single time line to synch it with the video. is there any shortcut I can use?

thanks =)
Your "DAW" is? Sounds like the sort of thing Audacity would do...

Why would you be afraid of moving things? You have a saved file... it will always be there. Save it all again as a different name and start moving stuff around... you can always go back to the original...
DAWS operate in different ways, and some you can configure to behave in different ways.

For example, for some DAWS, hitting stop will stop the cursor where it is, then when you want to resume, you just hit record and continue from where it stopped. At other times, hitting stop will return the cursor to the start of where you originally started recording, and hitting record will start recording form there, creating different 'takes'. In this case, you would need to hit 'pause' rather than stop.

It sounds like the latter may have happened with you. It's no big deal to get those takes untangled . . . do what Armistice suggests. If you are using Reaper, you make additional copies for each layer, make one layer active in each and select that (Crop to active take).
In almost any Windows environment: right click on the track, select 'copy', go to where you want to put the track (i.e move the cursor, left click to select the spot), then right click and 'paste' (many shortcuts available, of course)
thanks for all the replies, got a new question (I'm using sonar x1):

considering I have already recorded the audio, how do I insert 16 bars of silence before it? is there any way I can do it, or I really have to select and drag everything?
thanks for all the replies, got a new question (I'm using sonar x1):

considering I have already recorded the audio, how do I insert 16 bars of silence before it? is there any way I can do it, or I really have to select and drag everything?

It sounds like it is one track of 1 1/2 recording. You could past it all in one track and just have x seconds of gap. Or. you can have x many tracks, lined up how you want them, with y gap.
ended up solving everything with the old select and drag down to a new track, then to the right, then back to the old track - thanks god sonar allows for multiple selections, so nothing got pasted out of synch.

but I was really thinkin in the lines of word-processors, where I can just insert a couple of lines and spaces to better format the sound Xp

and no, I have 3 tracks with 20 takes that amount to 1h 1/2 of sound. a bit harder on the eye to look :rolleyes: