Subtle Strap-Locks?


New member
Any suggestions for a subtle set strap-locks to put on my guitar? They all seem a bit too bulky for me or put the strap too far off the body, it looks ugly to me.

So any strap-locks that are subtle and keep the strap close to the body, not sticking an inch off the body of my guitar?
If you are that worried about how the strap locks look then maybe you should stop practicing in front of the mirror. :D
Maybe I should ;)

In all seriousness, it just seems awkward to me, I feel like they would get in the way. But I think I'm just gonna give those DiMarizo clip straps that you just screw on in place of tuning pegs a shot, unless anyone can tell me otherwise.

I just unscrew the strap nobs and chuck a washer on then screw the strap right to the guitar, it sux if someone wants to resize your strap, but who wants other people messing with their guitar anyway.
you can even paint your washer to match your guitar, their low profile and dont cost 30 dollars.
Peace World
I used strap locks for years on my guitars but recently picked up one of the Planet waves locking straps. It is way easier and so far seems to be just as effective. If you aren't super attached to your current strap, look into their product line. No bulky mess and you can use it on more than one guitar.
I didn't want to get into all those heavy hardware locks, which are pricey and to much work if you have a lot of guitars to do... I went with these though I got the round ones, in a jar of 3 dozen (real cheap on eBay), which was enough for all my guitars:

Inexpensive, no need to change anything on your guitar, and they work very well...
...though maybe not the absolute best and most secure choice if you plan on spinning your guitar around your neck. :D
I think initially i had some "appearance" reservations about strap locks, but i'm used to seeing them on there now, i actually got over it really quickly. Using washers and just attaching your strap works great unless there's no room in your case for the guitar strap to stay attached. If you've got the room in the case, then that'd be my first recommendation.
I got some Allparts 5/8" diameter strap buttons and put them on most of my guitars. They were about .50 cents each and work well, unless your choosen strap is totally worn out.
I didn't want to get into all those heavy hardware locks, which are pricey and to much work if you have a lot of guitars to do... I went with these though I got the round ones, in a jar of 3 dozen (real cheap on eBay), which was enough for all my guitars:

Inexpensive, no need to change anything on your guitar, and they work very well...
...though maybe not the absolute best and most secure choice if you plan on spinning your guitar around your neck. :D
^^^^^^^ these ^^^^^^^
And they'd probably hold even thru the spinning thing.
I use 'em 'cause I have 14 gits and can lock any strap to any git without having to pay for and install regular straplocks.
They work great.
In all seriousness, it just seems awkward to me, I feel like they would get in the way. But I think I'm just gonna give those DiMarizo clip straps that you just screw on in place of tuning pegs a shot, unless anyone can tell me otherwise.

I've used Clip-locks on and off for ages, on most of my Ibanezes. Two cautionary notes:

1.) They're LONG. I choke it up as far as it will go, and even then it's just about where I want a guitar to hang, and I don't sling guitars unusually high. Though, a guy I've talked to brought a couple to a tailor and had them shortened to taste for like $5 for the batch of them, so it's worth a thought.

2.) The plastic claps can potentially cause small scratches and dings on the sides of your guitar. If it's a super-rare, collectable guitar, or if you're the type to get all freaked out over normal wear and tear, I'd advocate something else.

That said, they're great straps otherwise, and I've NEVER had one fall off. :D
So I ordered a 4 pack of those strap clips from eBay for my Strat and Mustang bass which I use rarely, waiting on those. And I bought a DiMarizo clip-lock strap for my Dan Armstrong and so far I like it. However the material is a bit soft and it kinda just slides down my shoulder as the guitar is neck heavy.