Sub to compliment my Yorkies?


New member
I've had my Yorkville YSM1P's for a week or two now, and I really like them, but I'm having trouble with bass in the mix. Too much of it, that is. Sounds great on the monitors, but when I test the mix on a boom box or car stereo, the bass just overpowers. So, I'm thinking that adding a sub might be the thing to do. I suppose I could just try to compensate by bringing the bass way down and trial and error it, but that doesn't seem like the best option.

Mixing environment probably comes into play too. It's the classic small room (9 X 11) syndrome, and there's really precious little I can do about that right now.

Any thoughts on a good (and reasonably priced) sub that would be good with the Yorkies?

i use an athena powered sub with my ysm's and the difference in mixes is dramatic where bass is concerned. the yorkville sub that matches the ysmi's is a pretty big unit, so if you dont have much room look for a descent quality home theatre sub that might be a bit smaller. it will make a big difference in your mixes.
Sony makes a sub with dual (line level mono & stereo speaker level) inputs that you can get at Best Buy for like $100.

It's certainly not "big time pro" but it's a nice unit to just add that bit of extra push.

I'd suggest running it switched and in parallel to the Yorkie's...
Thanks for the replies guys! I did some surfing around, and found that Gear1 has the Yorkville sub for $339, with a free ground shipping offer. Couldn't resist that.

Looks like the sub has XLR connectors to hook to the ysm1's, and I know the ysm's have XLR in's. Stoopid question: Is this just a standard mic cable, or do I need something specific like "XLR Speaker cable"?
