stupid question


New member
I recorded a demo for my friends' band, which I then mixed into CoolEdit. I've mixed them a couple of times, and most of the songs I'm happy with the sound of, but there are a couple with still have too much bass, not enough guitar, etc., etc. Is there a simple feature where CoolEdit can look at a good song, figure out the relative levels of bass, treble, midrange, etc., and then apply those settings to another song? Or am I listening in fantasy land, and I'm going to have to remix the bad songs again?
Not really...

You can use the Spectral Analyser to see the frequency content of an entire mix waveform of a professional mixed and mastered song, and then try and get your own to look similar. But it sounds like you have to process your individual instruments seperately first. Read about EQ and compression techniques to give each instrument it's own space in the mix. Main Vox, bass drum and bass generally panned center, everything else can be panned anywhere, just try and keep left and right reasonably balanced volumewise, and don't pan instruments so wide that they become distracting.

