Stupid Question about Audiophile 2496


New member
It says that it is a 4in/4out card.
So this should mean I can record 4 track simulateously right?
But from the pics of the card...I can't see 4 inputs...only 2 RCA's
Can someone please help a dummy??

The third and fourth inputs are on the digital input. You could get a two channel preamp with a digital out to use the 3rd and 4th inputs. OR a stand alone analog to digital converter, but most of those are pretty pricey. Its sort of the same thing with the 1010/1010LT 8 analog ins and the 9th/10th inputs come on the digital ins.
So, in the future if I get another 2496 card....I could hook them together via the S/PDIF connection, right? and would that allow me to record 8 inputs total simultaneously....or are the S/PDIF connections spoken for because I am using them to link the cards??
I think the linking can be done thru software, so no need to connect them together in a external fashion. But think of this, if you are planning on just getting two of them, why not spend the extra on a 1010lt, its "just" another $70-100??? I know funds may not allow it now, but save for an extra month or two or three if you have to. Of course you could always get the 2496 now, and add a 1010 later, as the m-audio software allows for four of their cards to be added to one computer.

But yes if you use software sync, you will have the connections for 4 analog channels and 2 stereo digital inputs with two 2496's.