stupid panning....


New member
OK.... how come on cakewalk when I change the pan value of a track, it doesn't actually change the pan of the track?!!!

I remember a few of you who listened to some songs I posted a while back mentioned that they sounded quite "mono" (which they did), so eventually i got around to playing around with the tracks again, and i noticed no matter how much I change the pan value, the track doesnt really "pan" out. Even if I crank it hard left, or right, i can still here the track though both speakers!

....slowley going crazy..... please help......

(and yes, i am 99.9% sure that my computer speakers are in stereo!)
Check your windows mixer or soundcard control panel,it sounds like you have your mains panned to center.
hmmmm....... i checked my windows mixer, and yes, everything (if that's what you mean by "mains") is panned to center... what are they supposed to be panned to?

thanks for the help acidrock, i think i'll need a bit more...
ok, i know i may be a bit slow, but bear with me here. i am slightly confused and im sure its my own fault.

maybe i didnt explain my situation to clearly, or maybe im just crazy...... but here's my situation:

i just finished recording a song on cakewalk. mixed and all - only one problem: - even though i had some tracks panned out, they arent really panned out on my speakers - the pan levels on the program dont seem to be doing anything for me! I then thought that maybe the song will sound fine if i burn it and toss it on my cd player (dont ask me why...) but it doesnt. same problem - .everything is in mono!

does this problem still have something to do with my windows mixer - if so, what do i have to do to get a stereo mix?

i really appreaciate you help chessrock... perhaps you could guide me in my confused ways.
if you are:

exporting from cakewalk to a stereo track.

then importing the stereo track to some burner program.

then taking the burned CD and listening to it on a stereo CD player

and you are hearing mono, then your panning in cakewalk isn't working.

are your audio tracks mono or stereo?
Well the first thing I'd do is pan the mains hard L&R then recheck.
If that does'nt work go into cakewalk options/audio/driver profiles and make sure acess driver in mono is not checked.
Have you ever listened to this project and heard it panned properly?
I had a similar problem. If you're using Sonar 1.3 or later, make sure you're not in Offset Mode. Follow my posts and some of the suggestions here....

Bottom line is that I was using Sonar 1.3 in Offset Mode (icon at the top of the track window) which I had been playing with and forget to go back to normal mode. IMO, when in offset mode, certain parameters like pan should be greyed out as they have no effect.