stuff to improve mixes $1000 budget

I know 11 of those sounds like alot but I have traps from floor to celing in the 4 corners and working on my side reflections this week room treatment is a must without a doubt

Well, if you already have that covered then go for something sexy and shiny by all means.:)
I used SONAR PE v6, 7, and 8 before switching to REAPER and it is in no way a step down. All of the editing tools are there, they're mostly just named differently (which is true for all DAW software.)

I'm not going to defend Sonar, but find it odd you just bought a version that JUST came out, and then switched to Reaper. Must have done it in the last month, I'd say.

BTW, Reaper doesn't have the free plugs or VSTi, that Sonar includes or something comparable.
I know 11 of those sounds like alot but I have traps from floor to celing in the 4 corners and working on my side reflections this week room treatment is a must without a doubt

Well, hold on a sec...the corners are a good starting place, but the back wall, front wall and ceiling are important as well. Plus, if you're only getting down to 100Hz or so, you're probably missing your primary mode altogether.

I'm not going to defend Sonar, but find it odd you just bought a version that JUST came out, and then switched to Reaper. Must have done it in the last month, I'd say.

BTW, Reaper doesn't have the free plugs or VSTi, that Sonar includes or something comparable.

It does have free JS and Vst's. Great stuff. No VSTi but still a good setup.
I'm certainly not dissing Reaper, as it is a stellar program, especially for the money. I've used it quite a bit, but when I wanted to get more into MIDI, I looked a lot and ended up with Sonar and realized I really got a lot more than I thought. I think Reaper has its' advantages by not being so CPU hungry at time and potentially being more stable. I also like the vari-speed and wish Sonar had something like it.

But my personal opinion led me to like the Sonar the best and even though I could have saved a couple hundred $$ with Reaper, that didn't enter my equation in picking a recording software program.

I will say that I generally recommend Reaper 1st, but mostly because of its' price.
I love reaper but I'm also the first to say it still lacks alot. If it wree the begining all over again and fl, cubase, logic, sonar, protools and any other daw were at 2. 5 against reaper...well...reaper wouls slaughter. But its not. So it still has a bit more improvemtn. Midi is lacking but I dont do anything comples with it so it doesn't bug me. Reaper, reason and Fl for Obi and I'm happy!
i really hate midi so reaper not having a ton of midi crap doesn't bother me I just want faders automation a host for plugins and aux sends what more do you need really? ill write the tracks with the midi but i only like mixing tracks
I'm not going to defend Sonar, but find it odd you just bought a version that JUST came out, and then switched to Reaper. Must have done it in the last month, I'd say.

BTW, Reaper doesn't have the free plugs or VSTi, that Sonar includes or something comparable.

Sonar 8 was the trial (sorry I forgot to specifically state that. I was on my fiance's iPod and was in a hurry.) I didn't purchase it because it didn't feel like a major improvement to me. Why shell out money for another upgrade if i don't personally feel like it's worth the cost?

And yes, reaper does have high quality plugins built-in. And as for others, YellowTools has a free version of their Independence VSTi which is comparable to Cakewalk's Dimension.

I've been in this business for almost 5 years now and have always been legit. I also currently operate a FREE VOLUNTEER recording studio within a local YOUTH FOR CHRIST building.FYI
ok quick update I voted against liquid mix for now And opted for what I thought would actully would improve my mixes I bought a m audio fast tracks pro yes I know please laugh. I ditched the 001 and ptle for now. I'm using reaper and I now have a ton more plug in options a dead silent listening enviormnet and I'm also going to continue to treat my room that I'm re learning so far so good. I needed the fast tracks for songwriting on the laptop and for itb mixing its working ok. I'll upgrade again to something else to include the dm24 back in the mixing when im more confident with the results I'm getting in the room, but for now the goal is to get the dm24 working with midi on the fast tracks and use it in hui Mode with reaper but so far so good "two thumbs up"
I found the OP's first responses a little to cocky, and snooty to offer any further input. It's clear to me exactly what he needs.

Good luck.
I found the OP's first responses a little to cocky, and snooty to offer any further input

I'm no george massenburg, but I know a few things. like if you don't have the tools you need no matter your skill level it won't get done. It's very hard to get warmth to tracks you didn't record can't re record etc. with steril eqs blah compressors and tinny reverbs and no tape machine esp if your trying to do it all itb. If I seem snooty for saying right to classes well you have noooo idea my skill level. Yes we can all learn something new without a doubt. I love the whole treat your room comments to. When I said I'm taking care of the room. It is an on going process and I'm open for sugestions on what to do there, but don't asume I have bare walls and want some new gadget or flashy new plugins cause thats really not the case. take some classes ok lets see I have subscriptions to tape op eq mix magazine and sound on sound for the last 3 years I own about 6 recording books I've interned in 2 major recording studios I'm a member of gearslutz prosound web and I also have 2 years worth of music tech and future music mags with dvds an video tutorials what classes would you suggest? I've also traveled and have transcripts to nashvilles lil recording confrencess they do once awhile.
and actully I apreciate the whole classes comment. Cause I was yea what could I ever want to learn from these dvd things so I click an advertisment bundle and found a new mix engineer I admire that has some training dvds

shane d wilson :)
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