stuff on Acid Planet

What's up Mr. Beaty?

I checked out the first tune on your page, "Gotta Look Up."
I dig the style. The music puts me in mind of some of the better '70s arena rock bands, vocals remind me of ZZ Top. Very cool.

The mix? Well, it's hard to really tell at 64khz. I wanted to download and see if the file was a higher bitrate, but registration is required - that's probably why you've had few replies so far.

Just going on 64khz, (which again, is hard to gauge a mix by) the lows seem a bit muddy and overpowering & and it sounds as if the mids have been sucked out of the tune. Perhaps consider uploading to @ - that's where most of the guys here archive mixes - Waldo runs a cool site, and you don't have to jump through any hoops to download.

An enjoyable rockin' tune - look forward to hearing it at a higher bitrate.
jitteringjim said:
The mix? Well, it's hard to really tell at 64khz. I wanted to download and see if the file was a higher bitrate, but registration is required - that's probably why you've had few replies so far.

Bingo... was just about ready to try your tune zelmo... but that's a big deterrent... Is there any way you could upload something at least 128kbps at Accounts there are free (up to 15MB) and you could get more quality feedback...

Here's a bump, anyway...

Great stuff! I liked "King of the Urban Jungle". Sounded like Billy Gibbons singin'. Cool almost '70's mix. The only thing I heard was maybe (just maybe) there could be a little more punch in the drum mix but that's bein' very critical and it's also very subjective.