Studio vs Live db's ... an interesting observation


New member
Having the night off from a gig tonight I find myself browsing through these posts as usual, doing some recording, etc when something dawned on me. I have a tough time going between live sounds and the sounds in my project studio. Specifically levels and volume. Let me elaborate:

I spend pretty much every weekend playing in a cover band doing a wide range of styles, mostly rock ... but we play at average to above average stage volume levels through our own PA system. I play bass in this perticular band by the way and I have been for years. There can never be too much bass, I think I am losing LF perception ... who knows. Anyway,

So when I track bass for instance (direct right into the console), I automatically try to dial in freq's and levels that I get on stage and I have to stop myself and re-adjust. This becomes more apparent when I pop in a ref CD or open and play an audio project ... nowhere near the same. If my monitor system was a 1000 watt PA with subs, obviously this would not be an issue ... you get my point.

Even tonight, I setup to record some crunch guitar with a Mesa combo and threw a MD421 on it and hit record. I listen back and it just seems so thin and lifeless ... until I listen to other well recorded guitar tracks through my monitor system, then I realize it is fine. It's just readjusting your ears between live and studio sound ... I can see this being a lifelong learning process.

Again, this boils down to learning your monitors, whatever they may be but for different reasons...specifically the live volume to studio volume transition.

Has this ever plagued anyone else or do I just need to go to bed?
I do a lot of live gigs and studio work, and to be honest I haven't had the kind of difficulty as you describe it; sonic balance is sonic balance. While lives music does have an entirely different character than studio work, either there's not enough (or too much) bass to sound right in the mix or their isn't.

I think a big part of your actual problem isn't the live vs. studio thing so much as it is that you're working in a small and probably un-treated room that's just playing havoc with your bass response.
