[studio video/song] Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas


the pigeon knows the way.
This was an extremely fun project! Hope you guys enjoy it, and Merry Christmas (Eve x 10)!

Comments, criticism, and hate mail appreciated! :cool:

I'd rather more of the real strings layered than the synth pad you've selected for strings - they sound too plastic given the nice organically home style of the rest of the song.
They're East-West string samples, not just a cheesy synth pad. But if they sound like one, that shows how much of a n00b I am with strings. I had a friend who does a lot of work with strings and orchestral stuff assist me with editing the articulation of some of the parts, so after that, they sounded worlds more realistic.

Thanks for the input, rayc! Always appreciated.
Dude this is a hell of a cover of the song. I think it sounds pretty dag gone good. It was definitely a real good listen.

Have a Merry Christmas.

What a compliment -- thanks! I spent a good 4 or 5 days on the song and video. Thanks to my instructor (guy on the bass, acous, elec) for the arrangement. I'm no where near as fluent with music theory as he is.

Merry Christmas.

Good job. I would have liked to have heard the electric solo come out a little more. Is that you singing? Nice job.. the first word, "Have..." is difficult, isn't it.

The video is okay, but you can get more creative with b-roll kind of stuff. A little story line to go with the song rather than just studio shots. Alternate between studio and storyline footage.

Thing is, I was following the format of previous videos for our college TV show. It was meant to be a "featured artist" live session kind of thing.. even though obviously this was not a live session... :)

Yeah.. it is difficult.. ("have").. haha.. when not having anything before it.

I agree, I should have made the electric more out-front!

Thanks a lot, Sir Chili!
It's a good cover and vid. A little bland though. Are those vocals auto-tuned? They have that warbly pitch correction sound in spots, and if so, shame on you. :D
Thanks. I agree that it's a little bland. Oh well, better luck next time. :)

What you're hearing is not auto-tune.. I noticed that as well in some of the movements in my vocals. I showed my instructor (the guitarist and bassist) a spot or two where it totally sounded like I auto-tuned my voice.. but in fact I did not.

I did pitch-correct 2 or 3 notes, but it didn't result in any obvious warbliness.. I believe the parts you're hearing are the same parts I noticed before as sounding auto-tuned.