Studio Projects C3 Multi-Pattern Mic


New member
I know there ARE C3 users out here, so come on... post your comments / experiences of this wonderful condensor. Feel free to attach a clip of your work as well.

I will be posting some clips in a few days recording my Taylor 614, and some vocals (of course, through a VTB-1). ;)


I invite you to post your comments... How do you compare the C1 and C3.... specifically. You mentioned the C3 being a better mic... I'm curious to know your opinions.

I'm sorry that I can't contrast C1 and C3 well, because I haven't used C1. My C3 is a workhorse mic. I use it in cardioid as an over-the-shoulder mic for acoustic guit with MC012 on the 12th fret in front. I use it as a main vocal mic for "pretty", with Rode NTK for gravely blues/rock etc. It's a great room mic in omni, if you have a good room. It is brutal accurate, and if your signal sucks, C3 will suck. This is not a mic that will make mediocre sound good, but when you've got a professor at New England Conservatory of Music with an early 18th century viola from Hell with the $12,000 bow (I do-Heh), this mic rocks! It will bring out fine mid-range detail that none of my other mics do. Thank's Alan (Spam off)-Richie
Richard Monroe said:
This is not a mic that will make mediocre sound good, but when you've got a professor at New England Conservatory of Music with an early 18th century viola from Hell with the $12,000 bow (I do-Heh), this mic rocks!

Hey, Richie:

What kind of recording space do you have over there? That would be even more important than the mic, I would think. With my crappy 8-foot ceilings, I wouldn't even try to do a recording like that in-house. I'd try and find a nice hall or church or something and record on location.
No, littledog- I too have crappy 8 foot ceiling, original wood with cross beams that make fair diffusers. We're doing overdubs here, and the violin/viola and most stuff will be tracked in a vocal booth constructed out of fiberglass insulation, sleeping bags and auralex foam. We just finished phase 1 of room conditioning, and pictures will be up soon on the building and display forum, as well as my web site. I don't want all that natural room reverb, I'm not recording church music. I need dry tracks that won't mess up the nice remixing and mastering engineers. Why am I doing this at home, instead of a pro studio? Just a stubborn homerec'er I guess. At this point, I've spent so long spec'ing out hardware that It'll take me more time in the studio to get the guide tracks right than I could pay for by the hour.-Heh. I'm depending on the musicianship of some great people and some good hired technical help to pull the tracks together. We're only tracking here, not mixing beyond a rough mix. And in any event, the C3 has made possible the mixing and matching of some overdub tracks done on more expensive mics than I own. C3 is a staple for me, and I'm liable to be getting another. If your interested in the project and staff, search for my wed site. No spam will be posted here.- Richie