Studio power amps and cooling fans


New member
Can anyone advise me if they're running a power amp that has a cooling fan but is still very quiet?

I'd like a studio amp that can double for live performance once in a while to run some stage monitors. I doubt that any of the fan-less models, such as Hafler, are really up to the task of running full tilt in a live situation. Thanks for your suggestions!
My only useful thought is that I think you underestimate a Hafler, and some fin/air cooled power amps can drive all the power you could need. I don't know about a gig in Jamaica at 100 degrees, but at room temperature, you can get power without fans. The only fans I want in a project studio are ones I can turn off.-Richie
I suppose you're right that I may be underestimating Hafler. I honestly know little of power amp qualifications. I could consider a fan-less amp and will give Samson a look, as well. The amps I really would like are about double my budget.

Thank you, Richard.