Studio Pictures???


New member
I know this question has probably been asked a million times... but does anyone know a site where it just has tons of pictures of peoples home studios? Or other forums or anywhere where it just has a lot of home studio pictures? Thanks.. I'll be posting my setup soon.
Thanks... I've seen these. Anyone know sites where there's just hundreds of home studios to look at?
Yeah, yours is sweet Lazi... perfect setup ya got there. I just didnt know if there was a site that just had a ton of em. Seeing all the setups on this board got me pumped up to see more haha
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hey nine -- why don't you download all pix you've seen here and <i>create</i> a website with hundreds of pix?? ;-)
I don't know how to properly link a thread, but there was a thread several months ago where there were numerous pictures provided that weren't on John's site. I tried to attach it below, but I don't think it works as a point and click link. To find it do a search on "studio pictures" and go down the third page or so an look for "Let's See Some Pictures".

[Added note: The link works.....that means I did something right, now how did I do that?]