Studio Gear


New member
you make fun of me if i say that the only gear i use for my recording,is m-audio profire-610 and sonar production and my laptop and some effects for my guitar....
i do other things with my laptop like :
compressing,equalizing,adding effect(with guitar RIG),reverbing,mixingand etc.
and i use EZdrmmer as a drum VST,
so what is wrong ? i do not use anything else,i also record many songs and the quality is acceptable,but i think my system lack of some other parts,and in the other hand i use all of this hardwares as softwares as i said in last what should i buy then ?:confused:

Who's makin fun of you? They should be flogged! :)

i appreciate that,but i think it's not enough,
everytime i want to buy a preamp i think i use that effects in my sonar so i don't need that,
everytime i want to buy a compressor i think i use that effects in my sonar so i don't need that,
and more and more and more....
then what should i do,are these effects enough or i should buy the hardwares ?does it worth ?
If you have the money then sure. Many, including me, get by just fine with whats in our DAW's. Learning how to use what we have already seems to be better than adding more stuff to me. I'm sure if I had the money I'd be buying all kinds of things I don't really need!
ok, i gota ask, who's made fun of you?

to answer your question, i would use what you have until you know it well enough to answer the question yourself.

people can advise, but no one can really know what you need.

i don't know you, but say for example you didn't understand the basic principles of eq and compression,
If i told you to buy and eq and a comp and you did, you'd be back here in a week looking for advise on a better eq and comp cos the ones you have 'don't sound good'

Long story short, don't make a shopping list based on what you see around you or what others tell you,
Sure,,,take advise, but make your choices based on what YOU think you need. Ask yourself what's wrong with your mixes and go on that.

**edit. jimmy's post came in while i was typing. good call jimmy**
to Steenamaroo and jimmys :

thankyou for your advices,
i have enough money not much,i can work with compressor or effect processors about 70 percents and you know that working with the pre-amp is piece of cake,
the problem is that which reason make you buy compressor when you already have the compressor software and you can use it?and etc.
Software compressors do their job for the most part. Hardware compressors do things a bit different and some say sound better. I'm sure they do.
what about pre-amps ?
does it sufficient for instruments like bass guitar ? i saw that m-audio has one,the model was DMP3,what do you think?
i also heard that it is better to use pre-amp for vocals and compressors for instruments,it it right ?what's the difference ?
Different preamps can give you different flavors of tone etc.
But pretty much all of the lower priced ones will be the same untill you get over the $1,000. price mark.

A few really good low priced ones are the RNMP and the Golden Age Pre73.