Studio Construction/Layout


New member
Ok... I'm going to try to attach a sketch.

Here's what I have planned so far.

Ceiling -- Per ethan's suggestion, I will use 12" insulation in the ceiling covered with burlap.

Floor --- some kind of wood or wood laminate

Walls --- I would like to build slot resonators... I am still unsure of the design, how I should tune, Size, placement etc... I have read several posts/articles some w/ plans and I will try to make something similar... any further advice on these would be appreciated.

Corners --- bass traps in the top left and bottom right corners. Because of the fuse box and the stairs I can only place traps in these corners -- will this be sufficient?

Also, when looking at it today, I was thinking it would be easier from the layout if I drywalled ceiling the first 2-3 feet in from the wall and then did the the rest of the ceiling with the burlap/insulation solution -- would this be ok or would it defeat the puropse? I will have to drywall over the lower section of the ceiling to cover the HVAC ductwork (left side on drawing).

Any other comments or suggestions would be appreciated (layout after finished, size/placement of resonators etc.)

Thanks again


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What are the dimensions of the room?

Are you going to build a tracking room and a controls room?

What is the purpose, I guess, of your room?

1) the room is approximately 15x18

2) I do not think I will have space to build a separate control room. (is it really necessary? or just desirable)

3) I want to use the room for Recording and as my general music/practice room
Hey, Picker...

Looks like we're going to be building at the same time. I'm planning to start construction on mine next month.

I'd like to hear about that burlap thing.. I don't know what your talking about.

Your drawing could benefit from adding some dimensions, wall thicknesses, equipment placement, etc. to better explain what your trying to do. Maybe we can bounce some ideas off of each other, or have a project room build race!

Blind Cowboy...
You're on Cowboy :)

I'll try to make a better drawing later and get the dimentions. As far as gear placement, I am not sure yet what the best way to do it is.... It's all still open for debate.

My burlap reference was a suggestion from Ethan Winer who posts alot about studio construction. He has a company that sells accoustic treatments and he is kind enough to give suggestions to those who ask.

Anyway, originally I was going to drywall the ceiling, but Ethan suggested that it would be accoustically better if I left it open instead and just have insulation. the idea is that I will have a reflective flooring (probably a wood floor) and an open (absorbant) ceiling. I live by myself so I don't have to worry about sound traveling upwards to my living room. To cover the Insulation between the joists, ethan suggested a breathable fabric such as burlp. You can get it in quantity for about $2 a yard in most fabric stores. The open fabric allows the sound to travel through, but adds a better appearance.

So, to sum up, I will have 10 or 12" insulation between the floor joists and a white colored burlap tacked across the joists as a cover. To hide the seams I will be taking a small strip of wood along the length of the joist.

Then, after all is said and done, I will make some Bass traps and treatments for the walls.

The two most useful sites I've foud so far are
Ethans "Build a better basstrap" article at

has lots of good info also
Hey Picker,

Some things to consider. The neighbors. I converted my garage with my neighbors 40-50 ft away. And built a separate room for my "drum room". The box within a box method in the garage. Using the overall garage as one box, and the drum room as the second box. See my site. At the bottom of the construction page is old construction pics, where you'll see how I framed it out.

(btw all, I am updating soon, as soon as I get off my ass, lol, also the 32 cables are run and all wall plates installed and plugs are soldered. whew I had been dreading that one and now its over, woohoo!!)

You may not even need all this. Especially if your not planning on using real drums and/or neighbors are not a problem.

You may be just wanting to treat the room to get it great acoustically sounding room.

Hope this helps,
Larry:) :)
Thanks, Larry.

I intend to accoustically treat the room (thats what the ceiling information was about above). In addition, I will be making wall treatments, bass traps etc.

As far as the neighbors, I'm doing what I can, but wont have the ability to really isolate from the neighbors. Fortunately, I am using the basement, so sound will have to travel through Cinderblock walls, Insulation and drywall, and shouldn't be too bad. Second, I'm lucky enough to have pretty cool neighbors :D as long as I don't get too loud at an unreasonable hour,.