Strymon Iridium demo - "Center of Everywhere"


Well-known member

this instrumental is the doppleganger of a song off of my new album "THE WILD ANIMALS",
called "Middle of Nowhere".

just got one of these:

got my new Iridium just end of last week, so just now learning the ropes with it.

using a stock Strymon Iridium, running directly into a RME Babyface Pro interface.

setup is basically as a pedal platform, with rhythms straight into the Iridium, and solos pushed with various pedals.

1st & 2nd rhythm guitars, played on the Williams Special, a custom strat style short scale with bill lawrence front single coil pickup, panned hard left and right, are straight CHIME setting, with gain slightly pulled back, about 4:00.
on cab 1 (2x12 blues)

3rd rhythm guitar panned slightly off center, played on a usacg strat build, bill lawrence bridge humbucker, low in mix, is the PUNCH model, with 4x12 greenback cab. gain is pulled back to about 4:00.

zero EQ or fX added to the rhythms tracks.

Zero eq added to solo tracks, delay added during mixdown.
First half of song solos, are played on the Carvin, bridge pickup (duncan custom custom) thru the CHIME model dimed, same 2x12 cab, with various pedals.
the opener first solo 0:04 is pushed with a barber direct drive SS, and a budda wah.

2nd solo 0:21 is the Chime model dimed.

3rd solo 0:39, is the Chime model pushed with the DDSS and wah.

4th solo 1:06 is the Chime model dimed, pushed with a Fulltone Fatboost III.

5th solo 1:19 this solo is straight chime, played lightly with guitar on full volume, front single coil, thru a fulltone mini deja vibe.

at 1:27, with the deja vibe still on, i turn the Fatboost on, thru 2:30.

from 2:00 on, is the PUNCH model dimed, played on the USACG Strat.
at 2:00, i'm on the strat, bridge humbucker, straight PUNCH model, strat on full, but playing very lightly.

at 2:17, i'm on straight punch with wah off and on.

at 2: 38, you can hear me turn on the DDSS, and off with the deja vibe, straight guitar.

at 3:14, to end, guitar into ddss into iridium to end.

this was mostly a progressive gainy-rock kinda thing,
i'll do another demo with just the clean tones.

my take-way:
the straight tones are eminently useful in the studio,
and if you have pedals, it takes them incredibly well,
and yet retains the sonic fingerprint of everything in the chain.
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all the experience i've had with the iridium so far,
has been with direct signals only....

but today,
i hooked up my mesa mkIIb head as a power amp, using the FX return as the input,
and found sonic nirvana.

I've been curious about that little guy, so far the demos seem to be pretty good. I kind of want to mess around with this kind of a thing but I want something I can load in my own impulses. Been eyeing the Mooer Radar as it's cheap.

I still want a Torpedo Captor though. The idea of running my heads silently is very attractive.
I've been curious about that little guy, so far the demos seem to be pretty good. I kind of want to mess around with this kind of a thing but I want something I can load in my own impulses. Been eyeing the Mooer Radar as it's cheap.

I still want a Torpedo Captor though. The idea of running my heads silently is very attractive.

the main selling point of this thing,
for me, was the simplicity.

i've run my amp thru all sorts of boxes,
and that works fine..
but i'm not looking for bunches of different tones,
i need 3 basic tones,
and if i can get studio ready tones i like, in one box like this....
no brainer.
did another iridium demo, kinda for myself,
doing high gain rhythm guitars with MONO Ir's,
i'll post if anyone is interested.
I'm interested. (BTW - I'm Webster at the planet ;) )

I've been considering an AxeFX, Helix, or Kemper for some time now - but I don't need or necessarily want the complexity of those guys. The simplicity (and lower cost) of this thing has peaked my interest for sure.
I'm interested. (BTW - I'm Webster at the planet ;) )

I've been considering an AxeFX, Helix, or Kemper for some time now - but I don't need or necessarily want the complexity of those guys. The simplicity (and lower cost) of this thing has peaked my interest for sure.

hey webster!

i'd say, if you REALLY want a sh!t-ton of different rigs, AND effects,
those three you list would be the way to go.

me, i don't care about any of that.
i'm looking for about 3 good tones,
just so happens, that's what the iridium can do!

with the iridium,
you should think of it like this:

a pedal platform, with 3 iconic amps.
a unit that actually FEELS like a real amp, when monitored loud enough.
a solid RECORDING platform, that allows multiple cabinet and amp configs, but limits you to only 3 at a time per amp head.

i already have a pedalboard, and i like it.

if i had the perfect marshall to drive with my pedals, a marshall that is basically a 'pedal platform', and not an already hot-rodded marshall,
thats what the iridium is right now.

vox ac30, with a treble booster..... you can instantly get into blackmore, may, edge, any of those iconic sounds that are based off of a AC30 boosted...

now, the axe fx and all that, let you model an already driven amp,
so you could do away with ALL your pedals if you want to simplify in that way.

but i like the modular approach.
by the way,
using the Iridium as strictly A PREAMP,
into the fx loop of my mesa,
sounds awesome.

any 3 of the amps,
sounds better thru my boogie, than the boogie preamp does.
and the boogie lets the sonic fingerprint of the iridium models shine,
even if it's a EL84 amp driven by 6L6's.... etc.
Thank you for the detailed comments.

It's all the fuss and detailed dicking around that I'd like to avoid. So - I'm leaning towards the Strymon.:thumbs up: