

New member
Alright, I intend to become part of this community because it seems pretty cool.
I wanna make a thread about everyone's plans in marketing their music.
Every one of us is an artist, and it doesn't hurt to take a step forward and try to be heard.
It's the least we deserve.

I would like this thread to become a place to share what plans we have to take our tunes to: what websites to upload to, what people to talk to, what radio station to contact, what quirky images to make people follow, what people to email, what connections to use (not specifically, your contacts are a personal earning).

I'll start as an example:
I made a 10 track multi-genre album as a means to establish myself as a legitimate producer to the world. (You know, not trying to be famous overnight, just planting my roots and a name down to establish my presence and dedication to the art)
Now as for strategy:
- I have uploaded to Soundcloud, as a means to get feedback from whatever listeners I could find.
- I have posted a few links to the songs on my facebook, which didn't really do so good. Only close friends liked and listened.
- And I posted a link here, which only got about one person to listen to it, which makes me think it has something to do with popularity on this website.
- Anyways, future plans include a friend getting one of my tracks to play on his college radio station, Publishing my CD using then using the UPC code and Amazon mp3 store to try to get my music on Pandora radio.
- I also sent in a registration to ASCAP to get my music licensed (it was an advice I heard very often)
- And I plan to upload tracks to Bandcamp and a few other ones just for the possible plays.
- In addition, I have already copyrighted my 10 tracks on the album. (not that it matters but I wanted to be official)
And that was as far as I was going to try to take my first album, and just worry about producing new songs.

Let me know of what you plan on doing with the internets and your art. And let people know if anyone else's marketing strategy seems flawed in anyway. And if you've had superior success than other posters feel free to share it, it's nice to hear that some people are doing good in the field. Happy Participating =]
IMO; It is first based upon the quality of your own skills as a engineer/producer, the quality of the artist (if that is you, then, it means you). Then it comes down to who you know, and how you perform that material in front of a large group of people on a regular basis. No marketing strategy is going to create a following of paying members, without doing the work of performance, or a strategically placed 'Viral' video at an opportune moment. >luck.

I know so many 'artists' who deserve to make a living at what they do. No simple marketing has worked for them. The ones that have found success, have earned it with physical work. And yes, this also involves the steps you have taken.

I am not in any way trying to be condescending, nor trying to find your quests as redundant. It takes everything you can possibly do, to promote yourself. Even then, unless you find the right place/person/time/money, it may be the death of you trying to find it.

Best advice, keep on doing things that make it real for you. Continue to promote in any way you can.

If your (our any of our) product is worthy, and worth something to a market, then you can sell it there. Nothing any of us can do, if it is not.