Strap-on keyboard controllers


New member
Strap-on keyboard controllers have gone somewhat out of fashion, but I would like to get one. I'm aware of two brands, Roland and Lync. I'd prefer to get a Lync, but I don't want to spend too much. Under $200 would be feasible for me but perhaps wouldn't get me much quality or functionality.

What are your thoughts?
I'v seen them on e-bay on rare occasion very reasonably priced. You might try a local pawn shop as well... for some reason they seem to be popular pawn items. Mark my words some band some where will make these popular again soon!

P.S. I'm kind of a gear addict so if I see one of these guys anywhere in the near future for a good price I'll throw you a link or some other form of contact.
The new rolands are better than the old Lyncs. I have an old lync around here somewhere. Its broken, and there are no parts left for them. You can have it cheap.

Seriously, having played both, I would go with the roland.
I use a Roland AX-1 on stage. It's great to get away from behind your rig. Your guitarist will hate you for stealing his limelight but what the hell.
The only draw back is the 60ft or so midi lead... wireless midi would be nice but out of my price range. The thing is easy to program once you get the hang of it. The manual is useless I've found.
It's been gigged hard and I've not had a problem so far.
A good, fun addition to my set up...

Just my thoughts
(You Dirty thinker!!!)

Eons ago a used an old KX5 from Yamaha...
This unit was unique in that the width of the keys was standard... But, the length was shortened...

It had a great feel - The unit was light and comfortable...

However, be aware of the MIDI implementation on the old dogs...

The KX5 could only transmit velocity data up to 100...

(By the way if anyone knows where I can get a few keys... I'm open!!!)

Good luck in your search!!
A most enjoyable excursion from behind the Stations for which we're teathered on stage!!!

Happy Hunting...

Hey sentient1,
I'm trying to come up with an idea for a new musical product, for a class. I've been working on it for a month and haven't really come up with anything. Got any suiggestions? Thanks in advance!