strap button madness


New member
Here's the problem... I just got a used guitar (guitar is great.. gibson lp studio), and the previous owner screwed the bottom strap button in so tight that it countersunk about halfway into the guitar's body. I pulled it out since i want to replace the button with the strap-lock type. The straplock button is a little bigger around than the stock one, so it wont quite fit in the exisiting space... anyways, I wondering what's the easiest way to fill in the hole left by the old strap button.. I was thinking maybe a little wooden dowel, or some kind of metal wahser. I dunno. I'd appreciate any ideas or whatever on this, or if anyone has had experience with this.. maybe its a common occurence :) Thanks...

If I understand the circumstances correctly, I would recommend a thick felt washer or else a bunch of felt washers.

Are the threads still in good order?
To fill in the screw hole, cram a couple of toothpicks dabbed with wood glue in the hole, then snap them off flush with the body. When this conglomeration is dry, you'll be able to thread the new screw in snugly. I think that's what you were asking? If you're talking about the divet left by the previous button, the felt idea that Krakit had is probably the easiest.
thanks for the help guys.. yea, the threads are still good.. there is just a bigger hole where the button sunk into the body.. i'll probably try the felt washer solution..
Here's what I can offer

If the existing hole is just a tiny bit too big, the tooth-pick-and-glue thing will work. If the hole is way to big, you'll have to dowel it out. This is a better solution anyway, since toothpicks tend to pull out eventually.
Get a 3/8" dowel and a 3/8" drill bit. Drill out the hole so that it is nice a smooth. Then stick the dowel in and mark a line where you need to cut it so that it flush w/ the surface. Once it's cut to the correct length, glue it in let it sit for a day or two.
Now you can start from scratch and drill and clean hole for your new button.