Stop The Press! Breaking News!!

in control

New member
Jesse Michael Garcia and Mystery Records recording artist Christian to record a duet!!!You heard it here first folks!
This great meeting of minds and soul will take place Sunday September 24,2005-a day that will go down in history!

The song will be released to internet sites only and proceeds from the 99cent download will go to benifit disaster relief!

The song is called "How Did I Do That",here is a sample of the lyrics for you!

C-how did I get to be so right on?
JMG-I don't know but you do it well...
C-got a great tan from sitting in the sun-
JMG-I do it for love,ain't got nothin' to sell!
(chorus as duet):
how did I do that?
why am I so great?
everybody trippin' because they ain't-
how did I do that?
why am I so good?
now let's do a dance that makes ya feel good!

c2005Chrisongz/JMGMusic ascap
I will keep everyone posted on where to download this electrifying single!
Ted Philips/Mystery Records
Hard to believe that he's gonna take his dick outta Christian's mouth long enough to let him sing...
Please guys (and gals) dont get sucked into these pointless threads that arent anything to do with what the clinic is about.
Not meaning to be an old coger, but keep it for music critique please.
ecktronic said:
Please guys (and gals) dont get sucked into these pointless threads that arent anything to do with what the clinic is about.
Not meaning to be an old coger, but keep it for music critique please.

ÿour`e absolutrly right, its just so damn tempting :o
ecktronic said:
Please guys (and gals) dont get sucked into these pointless threads that arent anything to do with what the clinic is about.
Not meaning to be an old coger, but keep it for music critique please.

We should until he actually posts something. But it is tempting :D (although I'm "not worth his time" the same important time he uses to come on this board and pick apart our spelling :confused: )
David Katauskas said:
ok...but why did you say 'stop the press'?

Well,simpleton,I shall explain!
"stop the press" is a saying that is used when breaking news is happening.
The "press" refers to a printing press,as in the big machine that prints newspapers.
With the advent of home computers, we now have many other options in which one can obtain news.
It would sound silly to say "stop the modem" or "stop the hard drive"....
see where i'm going,simpleton?
don't question things that you are not educated on.
makes you sound silly and lazy.
Ted Philips/Mystery Records
ecktronic said:
Please guys (and gals) dont get sucked into these pointless threads that arent anything to do with what the clinic is about.
Not meaning to be an old coger, but keep it for music critique please.

You come across like a lover scorned.get over it!
I will continue to post wherever I choose and people can either pass it by and not give my threads another thought or people can choose to respond and take me to task or praise me or whatever they see fit.You are not the forum police so stop acting as such.
You,maam,have an inferior complex.
I can see why.Christian is better than you and it stings.
Ted Philips/Mystery Records
Nakatira said:
Ted`s got a dick, when did this happen :eek:

it happened when your mom returned it back to me.
see,she was feeling lonely last weekend and after our "cheering up session" she asked if she could borrow it so she could continue the fun while I was in the city taking care of buisness.
glad to have it back,have lots more "cheering up" to do...
Ted (in control) Philips/Mystery Records
Supercreep said:
Will the dowload be ***FREE***?


If you bothered to read the thread before you chimed in with a nonsense post,no-it is not free.
It will cost 99 cents.proceeds to benifit disaster relief.
I doubt that you can afford it.
meth is a bitch on the pocket book,huh?
you sir,are a zombie!
get help,NOW!
Ted Philips/Mystery Records