Stop Posting Covers In This Forum!! PLEASE!!


What Pro Tools *****?
Seriously, what is the point??

I can not figure out for the life of me why anyone would spend so much time recording another person's music. RECORD YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC. GET CREATIVE. Quit subjecting us to bad renditions of otherwise CLASSIC and PERFECT music. I am not interested in hearing you butcher a song by Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, or Neil Young. It's time to move on. It's time to write your own damn music. STOP RIPPING OFF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY. Create your own identity and stop wasting your time re-rerecording the classics. I DO NOT CARE TO HEAR YOUR VERSION. It's already been done. It's a classic for a reason. Stop subjecting us to your crap. Write your own damn music or quit. For real.
Stop In This Forum!! PLEASE!!

This is the MP3 MIXING CLINIC.
It's, essentially, about mixing and sound so that someone posting a cover that has been doen for the purpose of advancing their recording & mixing skills they are ON THE MONEY.
Ah, you have NO TIME for covers? By anyone? Anywhere? I think you ought to look through your music collection and do a bit of research into which songs you have that ARE the 1st versions recorded etc.
Remember the Beatles & the Stones were COVER artists, the jukebox bands of their day.
Where do you draw the line? Is reinterpretation acceptable? Is remixing acceptable?
The recording industry is heavily populated with artists who don't write, with artists who aren't allowed to do their own stuff. Imagine if Joe Cocker wasn't allowed to rerecord She Came In through The bathroom Window - a minor piece on Abbey Road & like so much on that album almost a sketch - because someone was bored by the concept and couldn't see the perspective?
Now, I don't record covers for the simple reason that I don't play well enough but I don't proscribe others from doing them.
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I am willing to do a cover in my live set but i am not going to waste my time recording a cover as a serious studio song to prove how great I am. To me it proves the OPPOSITE.
Oh, so this is the wise all knowing king of music. Banning all covers. What possible authority do you have to do so? If anything should be banned it is you for spreading hate. IF YOU took the time to look through my posts, I have done a LOT of original songs. A cover here and there isn't going to hurt your little ears. Here is an idea. If you don't like them, DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!! You sir are a racist against cover artists, and for the record, cover is our word. If you like, you can say cova, but even that is pushing it.:) And nobody is trying to show how great they are. There are a lot of people better than I am. I just love the songs, and want to see what I can do, and if I like them, I post theme for feedback.
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Half of Led Zeps stuff is covers (ripoffs), lots of Dylans early stuff is covers, lots of Beatles stuff was covers too, and even Neil did a cover or two.
Get off your highhorse.
And by the way, if youre gonna talk the talk then walk the walk.
Please enlighten us with your own original music, recorded. Here, in this thread. Link please.

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I am willing to do a cover in my live set but i am not going to waste my time recording a cover as a serious studio song to prove how great I am. To me it proves the OPPOSITE.

Get over yourself. For starters, writing and recording are two different beasts. And doing a cover is a good way to learn about both.

Learning a cover is one way to explore good songwriting and learn how it's put together. Same for recording it--in fact recording a cover is sometimes better practice at the craft of tracking and mixing. Since the parameters of the song itself are already set, one can focus more on the recording of said song.

Anything else you'd care to illuminate for us?
One question: who the fuck cares where a song is coming from? :mad:

If it's nice and you like it, you record it 'cos it makes you feel good. What ever gave you the impression that the guys here wanna show how great they are at doing covers??????? I myself don't do covers, but I sure appreciate that others here do. In case you haven't noticed yet, this a RECORDING community, so the focus is more on the technical side. It's even nicer when you hear what the guys here manage to do with the songs.

So If you feel "offended" or if it's a waste of time for you, I suggest you move on and let us have our fun.
Seriously, what is the point??

I can not figure out for the life of me why anyone would spend so much time recording another person's music. RECORD YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC. GET CREATIVE. Quit subjecting us to bad renditions of otherwise CLASSIC and PERFECT music. I am not interested in hearing you butcher a song by Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, or Neil Young. It's time to move on. It's time to write your own damn music. STOP RIPPING OFF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY. Create your own identity and stop wasting your time re-rerecording the classics. I DO NOT CARE TO HEAR YOUR VERSION. It's already been done. It's a classic for a reason. Stop subjecting us to your crap. Write your own damn music or quit. For real.

Congrats; you're a tool. Get the fuck over yourself Mozart, especially seeing as you've contributed a staggering 190 posts to these forums.
Seriously, what is the point??

I can not figure out for the life of me why anyone would spend so much time recording another person's music. RECORD YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC. GET CREATIVE. Quit subjecting us to bad renditions of otherwise CLASSIC and PERFECT music. I am not interested in hearing you butcher a song by Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, or Neil Young. It's time to move on. It's time to write your own damn music. STOP RIPPING OFF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY. Create your own identity and stop wasting your time re-rerecording the classics. I DO NOT CARE TO HEAR YOUR VERSION. It's already been done. It's a classic for a reason. Stop subjecting us to your crap. Write your own damn music or quit. For real.

Are you pissed cause I posted my sons tribute to Hendrix? Sorry you didn't like it. I can't believe YOU'RE complaining about covers. I heard your original stuff and it sound JUST LIKE WEEZER but not as polished. Your band does not sound original in ANY way. Your stuff sounds like you took others music and changed the words. That's more sad than coming out and saying your copying someones music. Before you throw the first stone, make sure YOU don't live in a glass house.
Wow, I had a little bit too much wine last night. :)

I still feel this way though. I like coming here and I like listening to the music and I appreciate the comments. It just seems like there are too many covers.

And this was not about anyone post in particular. I actually liked the Axis cover. Good guitar tone and I liked that singer's voice. Would love to see some original stuff out of your son.
For some reason this thread makes me want to post the shitty recordings of N.I.B. and House of the Rising Sun from last weeks practice. Like when my wife says "Don't eat those cupcakes they are for the party tomorrow." Well I had no intention of eating the cupcakes but now..........damn it I want a cupcake!:D
Seriously, what is the point??

I can not figure out for the life of me why anyone would spend so much time recording another person's music. RECORD YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC. GET CREATIVE. Quit subjecting us to bad renditions of otherwise CLASSIC and PERFECT music. I am not interested in hearing you butcher a song by Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, or Neil Young. It's time to move on. It's time to write your own damn music. STOP RIPPING OFF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE ALREADY. Create your own identity and stop wasting your time re-rerecording the classics. I DO NOT CARE TO HEAR YOUR VERSION. It's already been done. It's a classic for a reason. Stop subjecting us to your crap. Write your own damn music or quit. For real.

Your momma should write her own damn music or quit. For real.
I posted a cover of Neil Young covering the Misfits, and a cover of Sixpence None the Richer covering the Ramones. Those were two of my finest covers ever :D
I posted an instrumental cover of Joe Cocker's cover of Billy Preston's song. It was for my wife. I was hoping to get under the covers...
I've posted dozens of covers and originals and I will continue to do so and rock your fucking faces off. :D

I dedicate my next cover song to blkass7.