Stop and Go


Alchemy slut
Hey everyone, please go HERE and go to music and check out the song Stop and Go. Let me know what you think of the recording, and also the song structure. I cant decide if i want to keep it as is, or add a bridge on the end to finish it. If i do that though, i will have to cut some other parts to keep the time down. Any ideas? Also before anyone says anything, the snare does sound like ass. I just ordered some new stronger drum hoops and new snare wires so hopefully it will sound better next time. Ive got all the drums on individual tracks. Any criticisms will be really appreciated. Thanks!
Okay... I like the opening guitar and the drums don't sound bad even with the messed up snare. Oddly... It fits. Anyway. As for structure, the song is kind of in a lot of places at once. The part after the main riff doesn't really fit in. Neither does the other part. They almost sounds forced.

The recording is pretty good. The overall quality is superb. I think that the bass could come up a bit more, though. And maybe a bit more gain on the guitars to give it a more polished sound. Also, when the guitars pan off to the right and left, there is a deafening empty space that is kind of hard to listen to. I'd add some kind of sound there. Like instead of panning off 100%, try only 50%... Leave something there to fill in the gap.

And the pauses are a bit too long for me. It's almost like you're expecting the song to be over. And to start off that way is really erratic and jumpy. I know that sounds like a lot... But I think the song is cool. It's definitely got agression and attitude. But you need to keep it up in the odd parts. Make it a little more consistent.
Thanks for all the input. You pretty much pointed out everything that I was worried about being off. My weakness has always been arranging. I guess Ive never really worked hard on it because I always figure "well this is just putting the ideas down and when i get someone to sing, it will bring it all together or we can sort it out then". But I knew this arrangement is wierd. I need to cut it down so i can put in other parts. I am also planning on bringing up the gain on the guitars a bit next time I record. The pauses.....originally there was a guitar part playing in those pauses. I tried those parts on acoustic guitar first and it didnt sound right so I deleted them and thought it sounded cool with nothing. I need to rerecord and make the spaces only half as long and work on some other guitar parts. Thanks for the critique mang.
Sounds good dude, like the song alot. Drumming is killer throughout man. Guitar tones sound nice to me. The part at like :40 where that rhythem guitar bounces from left to right i think could be a little bit louder, thought it was real cool wanted to hear it a bit more. Overall I really liked it, recording sounds nice. I'm with ya on the singer thing.. only reason I sing on my stuff is cause I ran out of singers to use. Good luck on the vocalist search, looking forwarding to hearing it all together man. Not sure how you feel about online colabs but alot of people on here jump at a chance to help out.

Take care dude

gbav said:
Sounds good dude, like the song alot. Drumming is killer throughout man. Guitar tones sound nice to me. The part at like :40 where that rhythem guitar bounces from left to right i think could be a little bit louder, thought it was real cool wanted to hear it a bit more. Overall I really liked it, recording sounds nice. I'm with ya on the singer thing.. only reason I sing on my stuff is cause I ran out of singers to use. Good luck on the vocalist search, looking forwarding to hearing it all together man. Not sure how you feel about online colabs but alot of people on here jump at a chance to help out.
Thanks for the listen. I do still need to tweak the guitars in the verses.

Not sure how you feel about online colabs but alot of people on here jump at a chance to help out.
I am definately all for online collabs. ANYONE is welcome to take a stab at vocals for any of my songs, even if it is just for fun, no pressure at all.
tbone36109 said:
what did you use to record the guitar and drums(overheads especially)
The guitar is an ibanez rg and i record it DI to my guitarport. I layer 6 guitar tracks for each part, 4 distortion and 2 clean for tone. The drums are recorded onto my vf160 recorder. I have a beta52 in the kick, a sm57 for snare, 57 between my two rack toms, and a 57 between my two floor toms. the overheads are AT P650R's. Ive had them forever and i dont remember how much they cost, but i know they dont make them anymore and i cant find info on them anywhere. i have them in XY config. thanks for the listen.
NegadivOne said:
The guitar is an ibanez rg and i record it DI to my guitarport. I layer 6 guitar tracks for each part, 4 distortion and 2 clean for tone. The drums are recorded onto my vf160 recorder. I have a beta52 in the kick, a sm57 for snare, 57 between my two rack toms, and a 57 between my two floor toms. the overheads are AT P650R's. Ive had them forever and i dont remember how much they cost, but i know they dont make them anymore and i cant find info on them anywhere. i have them in XY config. thanks for the listen.
really sounds good for di
tbone36109 said:
really sounds good for di
Thank you. :) It seems like every time i post a song there is at least one person who cant believe its DI. The reason it sounds good is because I took like a month tweaking one sound untill it sounded good. Ive never met a preset in any amp modeling software that I liked. And it also sounds good because of the 6 layers I talked about before. The part in the beginning of the verses where it goes from speaker to speaker is only 1 layer so thats what it sounds like before i compile the layers. ;)
Yikes!. Wayyyy nice guitar tone for dI. Gotta be the best i've heard.
As far as the tune goes,..I agree with an earlier remark about the pauses. Definitely too long.
As an instrumental, seems to be lacking. I'm not sure what though. Maybe a lead,..but,..nahhh. I really like instrumental riffs like this. Maybe it just needs some more interesting parts. I dont really know,..but it's lacking something.
I'm amazed that your toms are mic'd with a 57. I've tried that and it never worked for me. But then again,..I havent gotten a good tom sound yet with any mic.
Great recording. Nice and clean.

take 'er easy,...
Calwood said:
Yikes!. Wayyyy nice guitar tone for dI. Gotta be the best i've heard.
Wow dude thanks a lot :D , sure is nice to hear that after putting some much time into that guitar tone.

As far as the tune goes,..I agree with an earlier remark about the pauses. Definitely too long.
Agreed. She will get redone with shorter pauses as soon as i can com up with some other parts to fit in.

As an instrumental, seems to be lacking. I'm not sure what though. Maybe a lead,..but,..nahhh. I really like instrumental riffs like this. Maybe it just needs some more interesting parts. I dont really know,..but it's lacking something.
Yeah I agree its boring, its not an instrumental on purpose though, I cant sing and I dont know anyone near me who can.

I'm amazed that your toms are mic'd with a 57. I've tried that and it never worked for me. But then again,..I havent gotten a good tom sound yet with any mic.
Thanks, I was amazed to get that sound out of 57's too. I used them on toms for a couple years and got the sort of thin, bass lacking, mid hyped sound that everyone complains about with 57's on toms. I was considering doing the mod where you remove the transformer but I decided to work on placement first. I had to get them pretty far away from the toms for a good deep sound. In that recording, they are about 6" off the toms. No eq done on them either. the only eq i did was to the kick.
Good tune, as said above the guitars and drums all sound great.

The structure of the song is pretty good. You could shorten the pauses and/or find something to sustain through the duration at times.

Vocals and leads would really make a big difference in what happens to the structure.

It stands well alone and would only get better with vocals/leads.

:) ;)