Stereo Imaging

Mr. Ins@ne

New member
I've been quite concerned about stereo imaging and been using blue tubes pluggins to work with it. But I can only turn the sound to wide or narrow, how can I move from front to back as far as imaging goes? I should be able to work it out with reverbs or room simulations, but I suppose there must be a Front-Back/Back-Front pluggin hidden somewhere and I just can't find it. Blue Tubes stereo imager doesn't have that function, what pluggins should I use to take sound more in the back or front of the stereo spectrum? I have Behringer's EX1 Edison and that should do the trick, but I guess it sucks anyway, there should be better solutions with pluggins. I'm using it just to find/ correct polarity problems. Thnx
The plug-in your looking for is the Volume Fader!

Front to Back: Volume, Reverb
Left to Right: Panning, delay
Up and Down: Pitch or Frequency