Stepping outside the Genre


New member
Hey. I don't really come around the Hip Hop forum much, so I don't know if what I'm asking is apropriate or not. Basically, I do mostly hard rock type stuff. I'm getting a bit bored and wanted to do something different (for me at least). I'm working on a new song, no vocals as of yet. I'm looking for one of you rapper types to lay down some shit on it. If you want to have a listen,it's at
Song is "Untitled" The mix is in progress still, but it should get the point across. It might be a little different than what you're used to, but I think it could be cool.
Thanks for listening, but I'm not trying to make a traditional hip-hop song. This is a rock song. With live bass guitar. One guy already stepped up to the plate, so we'll see how that turns out.
Thanks for the input, though.
It doesn't have to have a "hip hop flava", that would defeat the object.

I think this sounds really good - you could do a lot with it.

Be sure to post us a link here when you get it done.

Hip-hop/rock cross-overs can be real nice.

good luck.
It could come out pretty hot with the right talent. U'd just need an MC with lots of imagination and presence. Though i don't know if he's still around,I know just the HR.comer for the task...

MicFlo ... holla