Step Input in Key Editor is greyed out if MIDI track is blank. How do I Step Input?


New member
:RTFM: Ok, I've been reading the OM (not even 1/4 thru the 600+ pages, & doing the Getting Started thingy too!), but so far, it doesn't address this, & haven't found it in the MIDI Manual.

Question: How do I use the "Open Key Editor" so that I can Step Input if my project has no content aside from the empty MIDI TRACK? i.e. MIDI tracks are in empty in a Project.

In Cubase 5, the MIDI menu choices are greyed out until a MIDI track has content in it. That's a catch 22 as I wish to step Input a new track in a new project. My only work-around has been to bang out some obscure MIDI notes, then open the editor & delete this noise then begin my Step Input. Gotta be a simpler way to do this.

Thanks in advance for any help. :confused: