Statue Records


New member
guys, i recently got an email from this company. they are offering me a percentage of the sale, n i dun have to pay any money at all...and if i want to put my ad on their webpage thell charge me 100$, n they sent me a 2 page contract paper which says all da details. im not really sure wat to do about it and how good are they...has neone heard ne thing about this company called statue records??
i dont know, i ve never heard of this company and they say they have been around since 82. but then again i m from the southeast they market to the west coast. if their not charging anything, then there shouldnt be to much of a problem. does the contract say they are signing you on as an artist or does it explain your membership and all of that? i would pay a 100 bucks for someone to put my music on their site and market it to others if they are legit and will take responsibility if i hear my song on the radio and not getting paid for it.
I got the same email. you will only make money if they sell units. they only sell units if it gets airplay. if your music is questionable for airplay, you wont make a cent. :mad:
Another Statue Records thread. Every music BBS I go to has a thread about this subject. Don't know if I can help you, 'cause I've never really heard anything really bad about them, but then again I've never and I mean never heard anything good about them. My advice would look to the BBB for some answers.

I'll have to pay more attention to these threads at the other BBS's I frequent. Good luck with your search for the truth. ;)
Yes, they have emailed people world wide!

Apparently in order to be a featured artist on their web site you have to pay a sign up fee? Now you have to ask yourself, why would they offer to include your music on a compilation album with a share of the proceeds, but ask you to pay to be featured on their site? Not logical.

I'd stay clear, its not the way a genuine indie label would do business IMO.
One of the members here (Betty Rumble) has a record on that site. You might PM her for more info about the process.
I've exchanged a number of emails with them. I am not affiliated with them in any way.

basically they want you to sign an agreement to let them distribute your CD in their "sales area" - probably want you lawyer to look into that. Also they want to be able to give away your material for free to radio etc. - again have your lawyer look into that as well. in fact, have your lawyer review all of it.

Then send them a CD master + art + $100 and they'll post you on their site and cut CD's for distribution. They take 50% on the sales. beyond that I have not signed with them but if you want someone else to do "some" legwork for you and take a cut, it's probably not too bad a deal - again have your lawyer review anything you plan on signing...
So let's think about this, you send them a finished master and the artwork and $100, in return they put you on their web site and if anyone should actualy contact them and want a copy they'll run one off and sell it, then take 50% commission? Seems like a good deal, NOT!

I'd sooner put the $100 towards my own album and put it on CD baby where they take less commission and don't charge anything to put your stuff up there!

Doesn't sound liek you really get anything for your money, they are just trawling for people who'll give 5them $100 for doing very little that you can't do cheeper elsewhere.

But maybe I'm just cynical.
glynb said:
So let's think about this, you send them a finished master and the artwork and $100, in return they put you on their web site and if anyone should actualy contact them and want a copy they'll run one off and sell it, then take 50% commission? Seems like a good deal, NOT!

I'd sooner put the $100 towards my own album and put it on CD baby where they take less commission and don't charge anything to put your stuff up there!

Doesn't sound liek you really get anything for your money, they are just trawling for people who'll give 5them $100 for doing very little that you can't do cheeper elsewhere.

But maybe I'm just cynical.

You're not being cynical. . . .just reasonable. I've got the same email from them. . .same story. I concure.
do research on their name.. find out how much traffic they get. Not Hits.. hits mean nothing. Find out how many typeins they get monthly and how many Unique Visitors they get per month. These numbers will atleast tell you if people are actually viewing the site, since they have the nerve of contacting you and charging you $100.00

I did a quick search and found this:

Searches done in October 2004
Count Search Term

So, they only had 52 type ins in Oct. Doesnt say much, but says a little I guess.
iproduce said:
do research on their name.. find out how much traffic they get. Not Hits.. hits mean nothing. Find out how many typeins they get monthly and how many Unique Visitors they get per month. These numbers will atleast tell you if people are actually viewing the site, since they have the nerve of contacting you and charging you $100.00



Little Internet humor for ya! ;)
George Massenburg will get better results with a Portastudio, than a monkey with a Neve...

Even Michael Nesmith? ;)
From what I've gathered around other websites, it's not really a scam but it's as close as you can get to one. At any rate, it's not much of deal if you ask me. I think I'd steer clear.