Starting to get frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Well the honeymoon was over about as soon as it started. Turns out this board doesnt have the drivers to support cakewalk like they said it did. At least not Gpro3. Now Im stuck either learning Cubase or waiting for new drivers from alesis. I like Gpro3 because Im ignorant and its very intuitive and easy to use.

The board itself seems to be solidly built and looks great though!

The install is a bit tricky. Load the cd first. The manual is very clear on this but the quick start guide is a little mis-leading. Follow the instructions that appear very closley.

All in all Im not having much success. The board wants to become the main audio for everything and now I cant even listen to my library!! :mad:

To make matters worse the support link at alesis seems to be down. :mad:

Ya know..........the more I sit here and type the more pissed off I get. Cant even get alesis on the phone untill monday.

I was so excited...............................this sucks
The joys of getting a new product right when it comes out. :D Sometimes that's not a bad thing, but this is a big deal for Alesis in this market and it sounds like there could be some loose ends to tie up (or not).

What drivers are you talking about - WDM? ASIO? From what I know, GP3 works with ASIO or WDM drivers. What else would you use? OR, are you talking about a possible control surface aspect of it?

As far as the board becoming main is, isn't it? It's now your main sound interface on your PC.

Sorry your having problems, but I don't think it's entirely Alesis' fault.
Aww, man! Sorry to hear that, stinkfish. It must really stink (no pun intended!) to be in your shoes right now!

Well hang in there, bro. Like warble said, the stuff's really, really new. I'm sure Alesis will get their ass to work and release fixes right away!

Keep your fingers crossed. :)

Any comments on the pre-amps?
I cant wait till you get it working properly. For both of our sakes :) . Im so anxiously awaiting the reviews on it. I check the Alesis Forum like 3 or 4 times a day just to look and see if theres been progress made. But hey , we are making progress .. somebody actually has on in their hands. Good luck gettin that new fandangle workin right !
OK, so reading the manual might help!!!! :rolleyes: Im still having trouble with the drivers for wdm I believe. The board works great with cubase(which is asio I believe). Does exactly what it said .....multiple tracks in and seperate in the software! :D Apperently though cubase only supports four live signals in at once so that is somewhat of an issue. Cakewalk will supprot all 32 tracks if I can Get it going.

All in all This mixer is really a cool piece of gear! Aftre seeing how it works with cubase I am truly impressed. And it only becomes your primary in and out when the board is turned on. Turn it off and everything changes back to how it was set up before. I can listen to my library and operate cakewalk normally again.

I have read much of the manual for the mixer and cakewalk. I thought cakewalk supported both WDM and ASIO but there is a driver conflict when I open Gpro3 it says the drivers do not support the current format and it asks if I want to disable or use anyway. Either way I cant get a signal through the mixer into cakewalk.

When all is said and done guys this thing is very cool. Its just gonna take a little time to set up right. Still couldnt tell you much about the pre amps in here though. Im not set up with a good monitoring system and the board wants to be the monitoring system. (stereo mix comes back from the pc to the board and out into an amp and monitors.) But I dont have an amp and monitors, Ive been using my pc speakers. So I have yet to hear a signal thats gone through the pre amps.

I always seem to get flustered the first few days I get new gear. I always seem to think it should be fast and easy with no reading invovled. :D This babies cool though, very cool.
Glad to hear that youre making progress. I'm the same when it comes to new gear. I have the mentality that everything is quick and easy but unfortunately it tends not to be most of the time. Keep working at it :) .
Definitely, it can take some time and patience getting a new DAW/interface setup and going properly. Just hang in there! Curious about the ASIO/WDM driver issues you're having. Maybe try a complete re-install of the Alesis? I'm assuming it came with both ASIO and WDM drivers?
Well I got the drivers straightened out. Took some tweaking in cakewalk but Im getting signal now. Seems to still be a measurable amount of delay between the board and the software. Trying to adjust latency and buffers to fix it . Im glad to see Ill be able to keep using the cakewalk. It will allow all 32 tracks to record at once. Not that Ill likely need to but getting all 16 tracks from the board will be more than enough.

Guess I need to get an amp and some real monitor speakers now.

MO $$$$$!!!!
That doesn't sound right that Cubase will only let you record 4 simulataneous tracks. What version of Cubase are you using? My Cubase SX allows me to record as many as I want.
Im using the stripped down(and Im just guessing its stripped down) Cubase LE that came with the mixer. I can create as many tracks as I want but when I was assigning inputs to tracks it stopped me at Five and said it only supports four live signals at once. Maybe its one of those "let them try it for free and theyll buy the whole package" deals.

Either way, the mixer is very cool. The set up does take some effort and some reading, but it is worth it.
stinkfish said:
Im using the stripped down(and Im just guessing its stripped down) Cubase LE that came with the mixer. I can create as many tracks as I want but when I was assigning inputs to tracks it stopped me at Five and said it only supports four live signals at once. Maybe its one of those "let them try it for free and theyll buy the whole package" deals.

Either way, the mixer is very cool. The set up does take some effort and some reading, but it is worth it.

Cubase LE at one point used to allow for at least 8 inputs. Presonus throws LE in the Firepod package the have. Now I've seen people complaining that the limit is 4 inputs - which I don't blame them. Sending out LE with 4 inputs max with a 8 channel interface is, well, stupid.

Cubase SE is relatively cheap - about $100. That version allows for at least 8 inputs - but, that's it.
Ive been using the Gpro3 for about a year and like Ive said before I really like it. Cubase supports midi though that is a plus on their side, but the cakewalk is ....well just that a cakewalk.

Not being able to use the sound card as an out is a bit frustrating. I dont have the scratch to buy even a cheap amp and monitors so I cant really hear whats comin through the board.

Have to figure some way of monitoring without forkin out more money, any suggestions?
Maybe you could try just listening through the headphone jack with some headphones. Or Maybe you could use your pc speakers through the headphone jack with an adapter or something. I guess its worth the try. It would probably be good to get monitors one day either way but until then .. we're gonna have to figure out a good alternative for the time being. Maybe I helped , maybe i didnt .. but either way , good luck. :)
Alright damn it! I reset my pc and cakewalk back to the original settings so I could work on some stuff I already had going and I guess the drivers for the board are gone! Will have to do another re-install and system restore.

Man and it was working so well...............................